§ 110.071 RECORDS.
   (A)   Any person engaged in the business of a pawnbroker or dealer in secondhand merchandise, as herein defined, shall maintain at all times an accurate record or register, written in ink and without erasures or obliterations, of any and all items by him or her purchased or to him or her pawned, which records shall include:
      (1)   An exact description of the items, including the make and serial numbers, if any;
      (2)   The name, street address, and mailing address of the person pawning the item or from whom purchased;
      (3)   The time received; and
      (4)   The amount paid therefor or lent thereon.
   (B)   A record shall be made immediately following the pawn transaction, as defined in 59 O.S. § 1502(6), and shall at all times be available for inspection by the Police Department or other authorized representatives of the city.
(Prior Code, § 110.041) (Ord. 1505, passed 6-13-2006)