The requirements and regulations specified hereinbefore shall be subject to the following exceptions, modifications, and interpretations.
   (A)   Any lot or parcel of land in any district that was under separate ownership and of record on the date of adoption of these regulations, or amendment thereof, where no adjoining undeveloped land fronting on the same street was under the same ownership on the date, may be used as a building site even though such lot or parcel fails to meet the minimum requirements for lot area, lot width, or both that are generally applicable to lots in the district. With respect to such lots, yard dimensions, and other requirements not involving lot area of width shall be complied with subject to this division (A) and division (B) below.
   (B)   On any such lot or parcel, the side yard requirements of these regulations shall not operate to reduce the net buildable width of such lot below 38 feet, provided however, that the application of this exception shall not be permitted to reduce:
      (1)   Any interior side yard below 10% of the width of the lot;
      (2)   Any exterior side yard below 20% of the width of the lot or eight feet, whichever is greater; or
      (3)   (a)   On any such lot or parcel, no combination of the following requirements shall operate to reduce the net buildable depth of such lot below 70 feet:
            1.   Front and rear yard; and
            2.   Front or rear building setback.
         (b)   Provided, however, that the application of this exception shall not be permitted to reduce:
            1.   Any front yard below 10% of the depth of the lot; or
            2.   Any rear yard below 15% of the depth of the lot, or ten feet, whichever is greater.
(Prior Code, § 157.175) (Ord. 1040, passed 4-12-1983)