(A)   (1)   Users of the wastewater treatment facilities shall be permitted into one of the following classes:
         (a)   Residential;
         (b)   Non-residential; and
         (c)   Industrial.
      (2)   Charges to users who discharge NDSW will be calculated on the basis of metered water use.
   (B)   (1)   Each user shall pay operation, maintenance and replacement costs in proportion to the user’s contribution of wastewater flows and loadings to the treatment plant, with a minimum rate for loadings of BOD and TSS being the rate established for normal domestic strength waste (NDSW) concentrations.
      (2)   Those industrial users discharging only segregated NDSW can be classified as non-residential users for the purposes of rate determination.
   (C)   Charges for residential and non-residential users will be determined proportionately according to billable wastewater flow.
      (1)   Residential users. Billable wastewater volume for residential users shall be calculated on the basis of metered water usage. The monthly billable wastewater volume will be equal to the monthly metered water usage. The City may require residential users to install water meters for the purpose of determining billable wastewater volume.
      (2)   Non-residential users. Billable wastewater volume of non-residential users may be determined in the same manner as for residential users. The City may require non-residential users to install additional water meters or wastewater flow meters as may be necessary to determine billable wastewater volume.
   (D)   The sewer service charges established in this subchapter will not prevent the assessment of additional charges to users who discharge wastes in concentrations greater than NDSW or of unusual character (industrial users). Special contractual agreements can be made with the users, subject to the following conditions.
      (1)   The user pays OM&R costs in proportion to the user’s contribution of wastewater flows and loadings to the treatment facility, and no user is charged at a rate inferior to the charge for normal domestic strength wastes.
      (2)   The sampling of wastewater shall be conducted in accordance with the techniques established in Standard methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, latest edition.
   (E)   Determination of user charges:
      (1)   For producers of normal domestic strength wastes:
            Uomr   =    OM&R
      Uomr      =   Unit cost for operation, maintenance and equipment replacement in $/Kgal
      OM&R   =   Total annual OM&R costs
      Tbwv      =   Total annual billable wastewater flow in Kgal
      (2)   Calculation of user charges:
            UC   =   Uomr x Bwv + Base
      UC      =   User charge
      Uomr      =   Unit cost for operation, maintenance and equipment replacement in $/Kgal
      Bwv      =   Billable wastewater volume in Kgal
      Base      =   Base charge for administration costs
   (F)   Local construction costs for the wastewater treatment facility will be recovered through a debt service charge calculated in a manner consistent with the user charge as follows:
      (1)   Calculation of unit cost for debt service:
            Uads   =    Ads
      Uads      =   Unit cost for annual debt service ($/Kgal)
      Ads       =   Cost of annual debt service
      Tbwv      =   Total annual billable wastewater volume (Kgal)
      (2)   Calculation of debt service charge:
            DSC   =   Uds x Bwv
      DSC      =   Debt service charge
      Uds      =   Unit charge for debt service ($/Kgal)
      Bwv      =   Billable wastewater volume of a single user (Kgal)
   (G)   The sewer service charge for a particular connection shall be determined as follows:
            SSC   =   UC + DSC
      SSC      =   Sewer service charge
      UC      =   User charge
      DSC      =   Debt service charge
(Prior Code, § 501.117)