For the purposes of this chapter, the City is hereby divided into the following zoning districts:
Symbol | Name |
Symbol | Name |
B-1 | Downtown Business District |
B-2 | Highway Commercial District |
BP | Bluff Protection (Overlay) District |
CR | Cannon Recreational River (Overlay) District |
FW and FF | Floodplain (Overlay) District |
GI | General Industry District |
LDSF | Low Density Single-Family Residential District |
LI | Limited Industry District |
NRSF | Natural Resource Single-Family Residential District |
P-OS | Public-Open Space District |
PUD | Planned Unit Development (Overlay) District |
R-1 | Single-Family Residential District |
R-2 | Two-Family and Townhouse District |
R-3 | Multiple-Family Residential District |
R-S | Rural Service (Overlay) District |
WP | Wetland Protection Overlay District |
(Ord. passed 3-20-2002, § 5, sub. 1)