For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   GRAFFITI. In addition to its usual and customary meaning of defacing walls or structures with messages or slogans, GRAFFITI shall also mean any letter, numeral, figure, emblem, insignia, picture, outline, character, spectacle, delineation, announcement, word, phrase, diagram, symbol, sketch, inscription or representation, wherein the contents thereof are visible to any member of the general public and which contains references to sexual activity, diagrams relating to sexual activity or sexual organs, references to criminal activities or groups which promote or are involved in criminal activity, swearing or fighting words, defamatory materials about any person, references to relationships or any marking of any kind whatsoever which results in damage to, defacing of, marring of or discoloring of any sidewalk, street or other public surface, any vehicle, any equipment, lamp, lamp post or other City property, or of the exterior surface of a wall, fence, door, building or other structure, whether publicly or privately owned.
   OWNER. The owner of record of the subject property, whether public or private, at the time of the placement or discovery of the graffiti or at a subsequent time, the beneficial owner under a land trust, the contract purchaser or that person or persons or trust in whose name the general taxes for the last preceding year were paid; except that, OWNER shall not include the City.
(Prior Code, § 1300.01)