A.   Public Vehicular Traffic: All public vehicular traffic shall be confined to avenues of passage designated and provided for that purpose by the airport commission, and shall not be operated at a speed in excess of twenty five (25) miles per hour.
   B.   Aircraft Movement Areas: No motorized equipment or vehicles shall be operated on the aircraft ramps, or on the taxiway or runway except by persons duly authorized to be in those areas by the airport.
   C.   Parking: Vehicles shall be parked on the airport in the manner and at the locations indicated by posted parking signs or painted markings.
   D.   Fuel Dispensing: All fuel dispensing activities, whether commercial or private, must be authorized by the airport manager and performed in accordance with this section:
      1.   No aircraft shall be fueled from any delivery truck, fuel pump or container unless the aircraft is located completely clear of any building or hangar;
      2.   Smoking or open flame within fifty feet (50') of any aircraft or fuel truck is prohibited;
      3.   In all matters related to aircraft fueling safety the provisions of the current NFPA manual 407 "Aircraft Fuel Servicing", published and available from the National Fire Protection Association, Incorporated, 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02210, shall prevail;
      4.   Aircraft shall not be fueled while the engine is running or while in a hangar or other enclosed place;
      5.   All aircraft will be positively grounded when being serviced with fuel. Aircraft being serviced by a fuel truck will be grounded to the fuel truck and the fuel truck will be positively grounded;
      6.   Aviation or auto fuels shall not be stored within a hangar, without written permission of the airport manager;
      7.   Persons or aviation businesses wishing to supply and dispense aviation fuel for their private use must first obtain permission from the airport governing authority; and
      8.   Dispensing automobile gas for use in aircraft will not be permitted on the airport without approval of the airport manager. Aircraft authorized by the FAA to use auto gas may be privately fueled by their owner only after compliance with established rules adopted by the city.
   E.   Tie Down And Security Of Aircraft:
      1.   All aircraft not hangared shall be tied down or secured at night and during inclement weather; and
      2.   All aircraft owners or their agents are responsible for the tie down and security of their aircraft at all times.
   F.   Running Aircraft Engines:
      1.   On aircraft not equipped with brakes, the engine shall not be started until and unless the wheels have been set with blocks attached to ropes or other suitable means for removing them;
      2.   No airplane will be propped, started or left running without qualified personnel in the cockpit at the controls;
      3.   No aircraft engine shall be started or run inside any building; and
      4.   No aircraft engine shall be started, run or warmed up until and unless the aircraft is in such position that the propeller stream or jet blast will clear all buildings and groups of people.
   G.   Taxiing Aircraft:
      1.   No person shall taxi an aircraft until he has ascertained there will be no danger of collision with any person or object in the immediate area;
      2.   Aircraft will be taxied at a safe and prudent speed, and in such manner as to be at all times under the control of the pilot;
      3.   Aircraft not equipped with brakes will not be taxied near buildings or parked aircraft unless an attendant is at a wing of the aircraft to assist the pilot;
      4.   Aircraft shall not taxi onto the runway if there is an aircraft approaching to land, or on the ground in takeoff position; and
      5.   There shall be no taxiing of aircraft by engine power into or out of hangars.
   H.   Parking Aircraft:
      1.   Aircraft shall be parked or tied down only within areas so designated by the airport manager for that purpose;
      2.   Aircraft will not be parked in such a manner as to hinder the normal movement of other aircraft and traffic; and
      3.   It is the responsibility of the pilot when leaving a parked aircraft unattended to see that the plane is properly chocked or tied down.
   I.   Loading/Unloading Aircraft: Pilots are prohibited from loading or unloading aircraft with the engine running. (Ord. 1333, 1-26-1993)