A. The following rules shall be observed in the use, operation and conduct of the airport:
1. Conduct Of Business: No person shall use the airport or any part thereof, or any airport facility, for revenue producing or commercial activities without first securing an appropriate written lease, sublease or permit from the city or its duly authorized representative and, having obtained such document, without complying fully and completely with all of the terms and conditions thereof including the payment of rates and charges;
2. Nonassumption Of Liability: Persons entering upon airport grounds do so at their own risk. The city, its agents, officers, and employees, assume no liability or responsibility, and shall not be liable or responsible other than as required by law, for any loss, damage, destruction, injury or death to any person or persons or to any property by reason of any accident, incident, occurrence or mishap of any nature whatsoever or from any cause whatsoever;
3. Rates And Charges: Aircraft and business operations on the airport shall be subject to the rates and charges and use control policy or minimum standards, as adopted or revised by the city for the Duncan Municipal Airport;
4. Federal Air Traffic Regulation: Regulations of the federal aviation administration for aircraft operated anywhere in the United States, and presently or hereafter effective, are hereby referred to, adopted and made a part hereof as though fully set forth and incorporated herein;
5. Damage To Airport: Any person, corporate or individual, and the owner of any aircraft causing damage of any kind to the airport, whether through violation of any of these rules or through vandalism or any act of negligence, shall be liable therefor in and to the city;
6. Damage To Field Lights Or Fixtures: Any person damaging any field light or airport fixture by operation of an aircraft or otherwise shall immediately report such damage to the airport manager. Persons causing damage to runway and taxiway lights or airport fixtures will be liable for replacement cost of the lights or fixtures;
7. Authority To Suspend Operations: The airport manager may suspend or restrict any or all operations whenever such action is deemed necessary in the interest of the public health, safety or welfare;
8. Safeguard Of Persons And Property: The airport manager shall at all times have authority to take necessary and legal actions to safeguard any person, aircraft, equipment or property at the airport;
9. Lien For Charges: To enforce the payment of any charge made for repairs, improvements, storage or care of any personal property, made or furnished by the city or its agents, in connection with the operation of the airport, the city shall have a lien upon such personal property, which shall be enforceable as provided by law;
10. Commercial Photography: No person shall take still, motion or sound pictures or photographs for commercial purposes on airport property without the written permission of the airport manager and unless the provisions of subsection A1 of this section have been complied with;
11. Advertisements: No person shall post, distribute, circulate or display any signs, posters, advertisements, circulars, or any other such printed, painted or written materials without first obtaining the written permission of the airport manager;
12. Soliciting: No person shall solicit funds, goods, donations or pledges on the airport without first securing the written permission of the airport manager;
13. Animals: No person shall enter the airport property with a dog or other animal unless such dogs or other animals are restrained by a leash or cage and kept under complete control;
14. Restricted Areas: No person shall enter any area which is posted with signs reading "restricted", "closed to the public", or the like, except:
a. Persons assigned to duty in such areas;
b. Persons authorized by the airport manager; and
c. Passengers, under appropriate supervision, entering such areas for the purpose of embarkation or debarkation;
15. Unauthorized Signs: No signs may be erected, moved in or installed on the airport property except as may be specifically authorized by the airport manager;
16. Surreptitious Activities: Any person observing suspicious, unauthorized or criminal activities should report such activities immediately to the airport, police, or officers of the department of public safety, or other peace officer; and
17. Licensed Pilots: Only aircraft and persons authorized by the FAA shall be authorized to operate aircraft upon the airport. This limitation shall not apply to students in training under licensed instructors nor to public aircraft of the federal government or of a state, territory or political subdivision thereof, or to aircraft licensed by a foreign government with which the United States has a reciprocal agreement covering the operation of such licensed aircraft. (Ord. 1333, 1-26-1993)