A.   It is unlawful for any transient merchant, peddler or contribution solicitor to engage in such business or activity for an unlawful business or organizational purpose or activity.
   B.   It is unlawful for any transient merchant, peddler or contribution solicitor to practice harassment, nuisance, theft, deceit or menacing, troublesome or otherwise unlawful activities during the course of such business or activities.
   C.   It is unlawful for any peddler or contribution solicitor to enter or attempt to gain entrance on premises where a sign is posted with the words "Peddlers and Solicitors Prohibited" or "Solicitors Prohibited".
   D.   It is unlawful for any peddler or contribution solicitor to refuse to leave any premises when requested by the owner, lessee or person in charge or possession thereof. (Prior code § 5-14)