A.   Outer Court Width: The width of an outer court upon which windows open shall be not less than ten feet (10'), or equal to the height of the opposing wall, whichever is greater; and in no case shall an outer court be less than five feet (5') in width or equal to seventy percent (70%) of the height of the opposing wall, whichever is greater.
   B.   Inner Court Width: The width of an inner court of a multiple- family dwelling shall be not less than two (2) times the height of the lowest wall forming the court, but in no case shall it be less than twenty feet (20').
   C.   Passageway For Inner Court: An open unobstructed passageway shall be provided at the grade of each inner court. Such passageway shall be not less than twelve feet (12') in width and shall have a clearance of not less than twelve feet (12') in height, and shall provide a straight and continuous passage from the inner court to a yard or open space having a direct connection with a street.
   D.   Accessory Buildings Prohibited: No accessory building shall be located in a court of a multiple-family dwelling. (Prior code § 16-31)