The following accessory uses may be permitted; provided they are operated and maintained under the same ownership on the same lot, and do not include structures or structural features inconsistent with the permitted use or a use permitted on review.
   A.   Accessory uses may include:
      1.   Accessory uses, buildings, or other structures and devices customarily incidental to and commonly associated with a permitted use or a use permitted on review.
      2.   Garage, carport, shed, or other storage space for the exclusive use of residents or occupants of the premises.
      3.   Swimming pool, exclusively for the use of the residents and their guests, and set back from every property line at least ten feet (10'), exclusive of any and all easements.
   B.   Agricultural uses:
      1.   Field crops.
      2.   Nursery for private use only.
      3.   Greenhouse for private use only.
      4.   The keeping of farm animals for personal use only. Enclosed structures for the keeping of farm animals shall be no closer than fifty feet (50') to any adjoining property line. There shall be not more than one animal unit per acre. The following table shows the value in animal units for mature animals permitted per acre of land:
Number Of Animals Per Unit
Number Of Animals Per Unit
Horse, mule
   1 = 1 unit
   1 = 1 unit
   1 = 1 unit
   2 = 1 unit
   2 = 1 unit
Fowl, poultry
   20 = 1 unit
Furbearing animals
(except dogs and cats)
   20 = 1 unit
The community development director shall be empowered to determine the value in animal units for mature animals not listed above. (Ord. 1565, 5-27-2003)