A. Application And Development Plan: The developer of a planned unit development shall submit a site development plan in support of the application for a planned unit development approval. The development plan shall be reviewed in conjunction with any requisite rezoning and subdivision procedures in the same manner as prescribed for rezoning requests.
B. Development Plan: The development plan required in support of a planned unit development request shall include, at a minimum, the total acreage to be developed, location of all structures, streets, driveways, parking areas, lot and yard areas, open spaces, drainage plans, approximate utility locations, and rights of way easements. In addition, building floor plans and elevations shall be submitted.
C. Procedure: Procedures are as follows:
1. The planning commission and city council shall review the development plan at public hearings and may recommend modification thereof or request additional information. Either body may table action on the development plan as necessary to allow modification of the development plan; and
2. Upon approval of a development plan by the city council, the plan shall be adopted by ordinance and shall become a part of the zoning districts map, subject to the conditions and requirements of the adopting ordinance.
D. Plan Changes: Any substantial deviation from the plans submitted at the time of rezoning shall constitute a violation of the rezoning and substantial change in plans shall be resubmitted for review following the same procedure required in the original adoption of the plan. The chief enforcement officer shall interpret what constitutes a "substantial" deviation or change in the plan.
E. Construction: The construction of the planned unit development shall be started within two (2) years of the effective date of approval of the plan by the city council. Failure to begin the development within the two (2) years shall automatically void the development plan and land shall revert to the same zoning classification which existed immediately preceding the approval of the planned unit development.
F. Homeowners' Association: If other satisfactory arrangements for improving, operating and maintaining streets, common parking and open space areas, drives, service areas and utilities have not been made with the city, a "homeowners' association" shall be provided for and created, in accordance with accepted procedures, state law, and financial requirements. (Prior code § 16-30)