A.   The following yard requirements shall apply:
      1.   Front Yard:
         a.   The minimum front yard depth shall be forty feet (40'). Those lots fronting upon a major street, or section line road, shall set back a minimum of forty feet (40') from the right of way line or the proposed street right of way as established in the major street plan, or eighty feet (80') from the centerline, whichever is greater;
         b.   When a lot has double frontage the front yard setback as established in subsection A1a of this section shall apply to both frontages and all accessory buildings; and
         c.   When at least sixty percent (60%) of the lots in an area, or block, have been built with a setback of greater than forty feet (40'), no structure shall be built nearer the front property line than the average depth of the existing structures without board of adjustment approval;
      2.   Side Yard:
         a.   The minimum width of any side yard shall be twenty five feet (25');
         b.   On any corner lot there shall be a setback of at least forty feet (40') from the right of way line of the intersecting street;
         c.   Churches and main and accessory buildings, other than dwellings and buildings accessory to dwellings shall set back from all exterior and interior side lot lines a distance of not less than fifty feet (50'); and
         d.   On any corner lot which abuts a major street, there shall be a minimum side yard setback for all main or accessory buildings of sixty feet (60') from the right of way line or the proposed street right of way line as established in the major street plan, whichever is greater;
      3.   Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard of at least thirty feet (30'); accessory buildings shall set back at least twenty five feet (25') from any utility easement, alley, rear lot line, or reserve for future street or easement purposes;
      4.   Lot Width:
         a.   Lots of less than two (2) acres shall have a minimum frontage, or width at the building line of one hundred fifty feet (150');
         b.   Lots of two (2) acres or greater shall have a minimum frontage, or width at the building line of two hundred feet (200'); and
         c.   All lots shall abut upon a street for a minimum distance of seventy feet (70'), except that on a cul-de-sac turnaround this may be reduced to fifty feet (50');
      5.   Intensity Of Use:
         a.   There shall be a lot area of not less than one acre, except that where a lot or parcel has area less than herein required and all boundary lines of that lot touch lands under other ownership on the effective date of this article that lot may be used for the uses permitted by this section; and
         b.   For churches and main and accessory buildings other than dwellings and buildings accessory to dwellings, the lot area shall be adequate to provide the yard areas required by this section and off street parking areas required in section 12-373 of this chapter;
      6.   Lot Depth: The maximum depth of any lot shall not be more than three (3) times its width or six hundred forty feet (640'), whichever is the lesser;
      7.   Limits On Buildings: Not more than one main building, one guesthouse and two (2) accessory buildings, but not including one hundred (100) square foot pump house, shall be allowed on any one lot. In all cases, the main building must be under construction before erection of any accessory buildings;
      8.   Height Regulations: No buildings shall exceed two and one-half (21/2) stories or thirty five feet (35') in height except as provided in this part; and
      9.   Coverage: Main and accessory buildings shall not cover more than twenty percent (20%) of the lot area of any lot within this district. (Prior code § 16-13)