A. For the purpose of this chapter the following districts are hereby established for the city:
Residential districts (R):
R-1 Single-family residential district;
R-2 Two-family residential district;
R-3 General residential district; and
R-4 Residential estate district;
Commercial districts (C):
C-1 Neighborhood shopping district;
C-2 Office commercial district;
C-3 Planned shopping center district; and
C-4 General commercial district;
Industrial districts (I):
I-1 Restricted manufacturing and warehousing district;
I-2 Light industrial district; and
I-3 General industrial district;
Floodplain districts (F-1):
F-1 Floodplain district;
Tourist commercial districts (T-C):
T-C Tourist commercial district;
Agricultural districts (A):
A-1 General agricultural district;
A-2 Suburban district;
AP Agriculture preserve district; and
CO Highway 7 corridor overlay district;
Rural estates districts (RE):
RE Rural estates district.
(Prior code § 16-8; amd. Ord. 1558, 2-25-2003; Ord. 1559, 2-25-2003; Ord. 1565, 5-27-2003)
B. The city is hereby divided into districts as shown on the zoning map, filed with the city clerk. The zoning district map of the city and all of the notations, references, and other matters shown thereon, shall be made as much a part of this chapter as if notations, references or other matters set forth by the map were all fully described herein; which district map is on file in the office of the city clerk at the city hall of the city. (Prior code § 16-8)