§ 96.07 MUTUAL AID.
   (A)   Established. In accordance with these rules, policies and guidelines, the Fire Chief is hereby authorized to enter into mutual assistance arrangements with municipal, county and volunteer departments, provided that request and authorizations shall comply with the North Carolina General Statutes.
      (1)   The Fire Chief is hereby authorized to permit officers of the Fire Department to work temporarily with officers of a requesting department, and the Fire Chief may lend equipment and supplies to requesting agencies as deemed advisable.
      (2)   When responding to a call and while working at a fire or other emergency outside the territorial limits of the town which it normally serves, members and employees shall have all authority, rights, privileges and immunities including coverage under the workers’ compensation laws, as they have when responding to a call and while working at a fire or other emergency inside the territorial limits normally served as provided by G.S. § 160A-293 and G.S. § 58-83.1.
   (B)   Duration of agreement. The agreement entered into by and between the town and other fire departments as provided for herein shall continue in full force and effect until terminated in writing by either party thereto. A copy of each agreement shall be kept on file in the Fire Chief’s office and on file with the Town Clerk.
   (C)   Administrative control. Any employee of the Fire Department, while engaged in any duty or activity outside the corporate limits of the town pursuant to orders of the Fire Chief or Council, shall have all of the jurisdiction, authority, rights, privileges and immunities, including coverage under the worker’s compensation laws, which they have within the corporate limits of the town.
   (D)   Authority. Each mutual assistance agreement shall be reviewed and approved by the Town Manager and shall be effective upon its execution by the Fire Chief and the appropriate chief of the other fire department that is a party to the agreement.
(Ord. 20-04, passed 7-1-2020)