Public Nuisances in General
91.01 Certain conditions declared nuisances
91.02 Investigation of complaints
91.03 Notice and order to abate on finding of existence
91.04 General abatement by town
91.05 Cost incurred by town related to abatement
Open Burning; Fires on Beaches
91.20 Definitions
91.21 Beach fires
91.22 Other open burning
Loud and Disturbing Noise
91.35 Unnecessary noise
91.36 Noises expressly prohibited
91.37 Sound-amplifying devices; permits for speeches, entertainment and other events
91.38 Permit program for sound-amplifying system or devices used or operated for hire
91.39 Radios, phonographs or musical instruments
91.40 Presumption
91.41 Compliant procedure
91.99 Penalty
Abandoned, nuisance and junked motor vehicles, see Ch. 92
Offenses against public peace and safety, see Ch. 130