Consistent with the goals and policies of the county general plan, the zoning districts are formulated to provide and achieve the following purposes: (Ord. 12-306, 11-19-2012)
   A.   Agriculture Districts (A):
      1.   A-10, ten (10) acre minimum zone, is provided and designed to protect and encourage the continued use of land for agricultural purposes and to discourage the preemption of agricultural land for other uses. Other purposes of this district include the protection of the economic base of the county for such uses as forestry, oil and gas drilling, pipelines, petroleum storage and distribution and the protection of significant natural features of land, creeks, lakes, wetlands, air and the preservation of open areas for wildlife habitat and range livestock. This district is characterized by production farms and ranches, including smaller hobby farms. The A-10 district requires, for residential development, either a Tri-County health department approved nonpublic water source or a connection from a public water source to the family dwelling and a wastewater system permit. Representative uses within this district include, but are not limited to: family dwellings, barns, corrals, crops, livestock raising, farm dwellings, guest ranches, produce retail sales and petroleum drilling and storage. In no case shall parcels in the A-10 zone be reduced below ten (10) acres in size.
      2.   A-5, five (5) acre minimum zone. The purpose of the A-5 zone is the same as that of the A-10 zoning district. Construction of buildings for human occupancy in the A-5 district requires either a Tri-County health department approved nonpublic water source or a connection from a public water source to the building and a wastewater system permit. Proof of a public water connection or public sewer connection is all that is required for property mapped in the A-5 zone to be zoned R-1 and proof of both a public water connection and a public sewer is all that is required for property mapped in the A-5 zone to be zoned R-1/2. It is not necessary to rezone property to the higher density zone when the official zoning map shows available public water service.
      3.   A-2.5, two and one-half (21/2) acre minimum zone, is to conserve and protect farms and other open land uses, foster orderly growth in rural areas, and prevent land development and agricultural land use conflicts. Principal uses permitted in this zoning district include both farm and nonfarm residential uses. Construction of buildings for human occupancy in the A-2.5 district requires either a Tri-County health department approved nonpublic water source or a connection from a public water source to the building and a wastewater system permit. Proof of a public water connection or a public sewer connection is all that is required for property mapped in the A-2.5 zone to be zoned R-1 and proof of both a public water connection and a public sewer is all that is required for property mapped in the A-2.5 zone to be zoned R-1/2. It is not necessary to rezone property to the higher density zone when the official zoning map shows available public water service. Representative uses within this district include, but are not limited to, family dwellings, barns, corrals, crops, livestock raising, farm dwellings and produce retail sales.
   B.   Residential Districts: The residential districts of the county (R-1, 1 acre minimum and R-1/2, 1/2 acre minimum) are formulated to provide family housing choices to meet the needs of county residents, to offer a balance of housing types and densities, and to preserve and provide safe and convenient places to live. The R-1 district requires a public water source and a Tri-County health department wastewater system permit (or a public sewer connection), while the R-1/2 district requires both a public water source and a public sewer system to the family dwelling. Proof of a public water connection or a public sewer connection is all that is required for property to be zoned R-1 and proof of both a public water connection and a public sewer is all that is required to be zoned R-1/2. It is not necessary to rezone property to the higher density zone when the official zoning map shows available public water service. Representative uses include, but are not limited to, family dwellings with minor agriculture uses and public facilities necessary to meet the needs of residents.
   C.   Commercial District: The commercial (C) district is intended to provide controlled and compatible locations for retail, office and business/commerce activities, to enhance employment opportunities, to encourage the efficient use of land, to enhance property values and to strengthen the county tax base. Typical uses allowed in this district include, but are not limited to, retail sales and services, offices and institutional uses. There is no minimum area requirement for the commercial district.
   D.   Industrial District: The industrial (I) district is formulated to recognize existing industrial sites and activities within the county, to provide opportunities and economic stability to provide employment opportunities for county residents. Typical uses allowed in this district include, but are not limited to, all uses that are not permitted in any other zoning district. There is no minimum area requirement for the industrial district.
   E.   Lot Size Rounding: Because of the way land was originally surveyed by the general land office, a section of land in Duchesne County may not be a full six hundred forty (640) acres, a quarter section may not be a full one hundred sixty (160) acres, a "quarter-quarter" section may not be a full forty (40) acres, and so on. According to the county surveyor and the "Manual Of Surveying Instructions", section 3-34, the distance between regular corners is to be normal according to the plan of survey, with certain allowable adjustments not to exceed twenty five (25) links (16.5 feet) in forty (40) chains (2,640 feet) or thirty three feet (33') in five thousand two hundred eighty feet (5,280'). Thus sections as small as five thousand two hundred forty seven feet by five thousand two hundred forty seven feet (5,247' x 5,247') or as large as five thousand three hundred thirteen feet by five thousand three hundred thirteen feet (5,313' x 5,313') are considered regular sections. Thus, lot sizes within 98.75 percent of the minimum lot sizes specified by this title may be rounded up to meet said standards.
   F.   Lot Size And Rights Of Way: For existing parcels of land and when new parcels of land are created, those portions of said parcels containing easements or rights of way may be counted toward the acreage needed to meet the minimum lot size standards of this code.
   G.   Parcels In More Than One Zoning District: When a single parcel of land is located within more than one zoning district, the provisions of each zoning district shall apply only to those portions of the parcel within said district boundaries.
   H.   Un-Manned Utility Or Telecommunications Facilities: The minimum lot size standards of the zoning districts do not apply to parcels created for the purpose of establishing an un-manned public or private transportation, utility service or telecommunications facility. (Ord. 12-306, 11-19-2012; amd. Ord. 14-331, 12-1-2014; Ord. 20-378, 8-24-2020)