When used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings given in this section:
CULINARY WATER AUTHORITY: The department, agency or public entity with responsibility to review and approve the feasibility of the culinary water systems and sources for a subject property.
DESIGN STANDARD: Established state or national standards for the design, construction, placement or maintenance from a potential contamination source to prevent discharges to the groundwater. An example of a design standard is "secondary containment", as defined in this section.
DRINKING WATER SOURCE PROTECTION ZONE: The specified surface and subsurface area surrounding a groundwater source of drinking water supplying a public water supply, through which contaminants are reasonably likely to move toward and reach such groundwater source.
PERMITTED USE: A land use, activity or practice that does not create a risk of contamination or a relatively low risk of contamination in the specified drinking water source protection zone.
POLLUTION SOURCE: A. Point source discharges of contaminants to groundwater or potential discharges of the liquid forms of "extremely hazardous substances", which are stored in containers in excess of "applicable threshold planning quantities", as specified in SARA title III. Examples of possible pollution sources include, but are not limited to, the following: storage facilities that store the liquid forms of extremely hazardous substances, septic tanks, drain fields, class V underground injection wells, landfills, open dumps, landfilling of sludge and septage, manure piles, salt piles, pit privies, drain line and animal feeding operations with more than one hundred (100) animal units.
B. The following definitions are part of R309-600 and clarify the meaning of "pollution source":
1. Animal Feeding Operation: A lot or facility where the following conditions are met: Animals have been or will be stabled or confined and fed or maintained for a total of forty five (45) days or more in any twelve (12) month period, and crops, vegetation forage growth, or postharvest residues are not sustained in the normal growing season over any portion of the lot or facility. Two (2) or more animal feeding operations under common ownership are considered to be a single feeding operation if they adjoin each other, if they use a common area, or if they use a common system for the disposal of wastes.
2. Animal Unit: A unit of measurement for any animal feeding operation calculated by adding the following numbers: the number of slaughter and feeder cattle multiplied by 1.0, plus the number of mature dairy cattle multiplied by 1.4, plus the number of swine weighing over fifty five (55) pounds multiplied by 0.4, plus the number of sheep multiplied by 0.1, plus the number of horses multiplied by 2.0.
3. Extremely Hazardous Substances: Those substances which are identified in the section 302 (EHS) column of the "Title III List Of Lists: Consolidated List Of Chemicals Subject To The Emergency Planning And Community Right To Know Act (EPCRA) And Section 112(R) Of The Clean Air Act, As Amended" (550B98017). A copy of this document may be obtained from: NCEPI, PO Box 42419, Cincinnati, OH 45202. Online ordering is also available at:
POTENTIAL CONTAMINATION SOURCE: Any facility, use or site that employs an activity or procedure which may potentially contaminate groundwater, whether it currently does or not. A pollution source is also a potential contamination source.
PROHIBITED USES: A land use, activity or practice that creates a substantial risk of contamination in the specified drinking water source protection zone. Such uses are not permitted.
PROTECTED AQUIFER: A producing aquifer in which the following conditions are met:
A. A naturally protective layer of clay, at least thirty feet (30') in thickness, is present above the aquifer;
B. The public drinking water system provides data to indicate the lateral continuity of the clay layer to the extent of zone 2; and
C. The public supply well is grouted with a grout seal that extends from the ground surface down to at least one hundred feet (100') below the surface, and for a thickness of at least thirty feet (30') through the protective clay layer.
PUBLIC DRINKING WATER SYSTEM: A water system, either publicly or privately owned, providing water for human consumption and other domestic uses, which:
A. Has at least fifteen (15) service connections; or
B. Serves an average of at least twenty five (25) individuals daily at least sixty (60) days of the year. A public water system consisting of at least eight (8) residential service connections shall be deemed to serve twenty five (25) individuals.
REGULATORY AGENCY: Any governmental agency (local, state and/or federal) with jurisdiction over drinking water, pollution sources, potential contamination sources and hazardous substances, as defined herein.
SECONDARY CONTAINMENT: A type of system or design standard that is used to provide release detection and prevention, such as trays under containers, floor curbing or other systems designed to hold materials or liquids that may discharge from containers holding a potential contaminant. Examples include a double walled tank, a double walled integral piping system, or a single walled tank or integral piping system that is protected by an enclosed concrete vault, liner, or an impervious containment area.
SEPTIC TANK/DRAIN FIELD SYSTEMS: A wastewater system, which is comprised of a septic tank and a drain field, which accepts wastewater from buildings or facilities for surface or subsurface treatment and disposal.
TIME OF TRAVEL DISTANCE: The distance that groundwater will travel in a specified time. This distance is generally a function of the permeability and slope of the aquifer. Time of travel is determined from hydrological studies and is approved by the state department of environmental quality, division of drinking water.
UNPROTECTED AQUIFER: Any aquifer that does not meet the definition of a "protected aquifer", as defined in this section.
WELLHEAD: The upper terminal of a well, including adapters, ports, seals, valves and other attachments. (Ord. 09-273, 4-13-2009)