The County Board of Commissioners hereby adopt the following rules which shall apply to all individuals attending public meetings of the County Board of Commissioners. The Chair of the Board of Commissioners may waive any of the following rules for part or all of the meeting to accommodate an open discussion.
   (A)   Members of the general public in attendance at a public meeting of the Board of Commissioners have no rights with reference to the meeting except as otherwise provided by law.
   (B)   Although members of the general public have no right to speak during a public meeting, the Commissioners, at their sole discretion, may provide for a public comment period, during which time individuals may be given an opportunity to address the Commissioners.
   (C)   During any public comment period, individuals wishing to speak will be required to sign a speaker registration sheet and provide the speaker’s name, address, and issue or topic they wish to address. Individuals will be called to speak in the order of which they have signed the speaker registration sheet.
   (D)   Individuals who wish to speak and have signed the speaker registration sheet may waive their opportunity to speak once called upon; however, an individual who waives their opportunity to speak may not be permitted to speak at a later time.
   (E)   Once called upon, all speakers shall first state their name, their county of residence, and the issue upon which they wish to speak. Speakers may only speak from a podium and must speak loudly and clearly so those in attendance may hear.
   (F)   Any speaker wishing to provide documents to the Commissioners at the meeting shall provide one copy for each of the three Commissioners; however, speakers are encouraged to bring additional copies of any documents they intend to distribute during the meeting.
   (G)   Each speaker may only speak once and will be given a maximum of three minutes to speak unless a shorter period of time is set forth by the Commissioners at the start of the public comment period. Time may not be reserved or yielded to other speakers and once an individual is finished speaking, that individual’s remaining time, if any, is waived.
   (H)   Each speaker will be notified when their allotted time to speak is exhausted and any speaker that does not immediately conclude their remarks at the expiration of their allotted time will be deemed out of order and the speaker will be asked to stop.
   (I)   Comments which are duplicative or repetitive will be deemed out of order and the speaker will be asked to stop.
   (J)   Any speaker who is discourteous, argumentative, accusatory, or insulting will be deemed out of order and asked to stop.
   (K)   Once a speaker is deemed out of order for any reason, that speaker’s remaining time, if any, will be forfeited and the speaker will not be granted an opportunity to make any further comment or presentation.
   (L)   All members of the general public attending a public meeting will be expected to adhere to these rules and, any person failing to do so will be deemed out of order.
   (M)   The Commissioners are authorized, and have sole discretion, to request any person deemed out of order leave the meeting and once requested to leave, a person must immediately leave the meeting room.
   (N)   In extreme cases, if a person refuses to leave the meeting after being asked to do so and that person continues to disrupt the proceedings in a way that is obviously hostile to the purpose of the meeting, the Commissioners may order that the person be removed by members of the County Sheriff’s Department.
   (O)   During its public meetings, the Commissioners will take all measures necessary under the circumstances to maintain order. In exercising this discretion, the Commissioners will be guided by a judicious appraisal of the circumstances, including the conduct and decorum of members of the general public in attendance.
(Res. 2021-04, passed 2-18-2021)