(A)   Persons desiring to bury drainage pipe in the road ditch along their property must first contact the County Highway Superintendent or County Engineer for a site review.
   (B)   The County Highway Superintendent or County Engineer will make a site review of the proposed location to determine the size and slope of the pipe required.
   (C)   Installation of the pipe is to be uniform in alignment and slope, with 36 inches by 36 inches masonry inlet boxes installed at intervals no greater than 50 feet measured along the pipe. These inlet structures are to be of masonry construction with a concrete bottom, solid masonry walls, and a slotted steel grate top.
   (D)   The top grate is to be a minimum of eight inches below the level of the adjacent roadway. (See image below for pipe and inlet requirements.)
   (E)   A swale is to be constructed directly over the pipe at a minimum depth of eight inches below the level of the adjacent roadway, and at a slope parallel to the slope of the pipe. The purpose of this swale is to collect the surface runoff water from the roadway and adjacent property, and direct it into the inlet grate. (See image below for pipe and inlet requirements.)
   (F)   Any downspout tiles, basement drains, or other surface or groundwater tiles are to enter the pipe at an inlet box. (See image below for pipe and inlet requirements.)
   (G)   The minimum pipe diameter is 12 inches, and existing conditions must allow a minimum of one foot of backfill on top of the pipe.
   (H)   The landowner is responsible for the proper installation, and maintenance, of the pipe and inlet structures, keeping them free of silt, debris, and functioning properly for the lifetime of the structures.
(Ord. 1986.7, passed 11-3-1986)