(A)   Key Box:
      (1)   Placement: shall be placed within 6 foot (72 inches) of main entrance on address side of building.
         (a)   If placement is at a multi-unit commercial building a single Key Box can be placed in such a manner that it will allow access to units within 20 foot (240 inches) of the Key Box.
      (2)   Installation: Shall be installed at a height of 48 inches to 72 inches above the finished grade and in a manner that shall always be visible and accessible.
   (B)   Electronic switch:
      (1)   Placement: shall be placed within 10 foot (120 inches) of what it controls.
      (2)   Installation: shall be installed at a height of 48 inches to 72 inches above the finished grade and in a manner that shall always be visible and accessible.
   (C)   Padlock:
      (1)   Placement: on any locked gate that may need to be accessed by emergency personnel.
      (2)   Installation: shall be locked shackle to shackle with existing lock of property owner.
(Ord. 838-2017, passed 9-18-17)