(A)   When each property owner is requesting connection to the Dry Ridge wastewater system, each property owner will be notified by the Mayor and/or City Clerk/Treasurer of the capacity fee and system development fee applicable for the property. This notification shall be in writing and detail the ERU costs for the project area.
   (B)   This notification letter/notice shall state the date upon which associated appointment warrants (property liens) shall be placed on the property deed, unless payment in full of the assessment fees amount is paid to the City of Dry Ridge prior to that date.
   (C)   Anticipated ERUs include, but are not limited to, vacant lots, undeveloped property that could be further subdivided into lots within the assessment zone, and the like. Appointment warrants will remain, and are transferable to future property owners , for those undeveloped properties/lots until such time as development requiring wastewater facilities occurs. When such undeveloped properties are later developed, payment of the system development fees and capacity fees are required at the time of connection permit issuance by the City of Dry Ridge or payable consistent with the provisions set forth herein.
(Ord. 716-2007, passed 8-23-07)