A. Damaged Buildings:
1. If any building within the city shall be seriously damaged by fire, the elements, decay or otherwise, to such an extent as to render it dangerous or render any part of it dangerous, such building shall not be repaired, or the walls thereof be used for rebuilding upon until the same has been carefully examined by the building official and a permit given for such building or repair to proceed.
2. Any existing frame buildings within the fire limits which may hereafter be damaged by fire, the elements, decay or otherwise to any amount greater than fifty percent (50%) of its current market value shall not be repaired or rebuilt, but shall be removed. (1980 Code § 4-18; amd. 2002 Code)
B. Repair Or Removal:
1. When any building, or part thereof, or any structure of like nature is in the condition of being dangerous, insecure, unsafe or unsanitary in the opinion of the building official, he shall cause notice in writing to be given to the owner, occupants, lessees or persons in possession, charge or control of such place or building to make such change, alteration or repairs, as safety or the ordinances of the city require.
2. If, at the expiration of the time specified in such notice for the completion of work required to be done by the terms of such notice, in order to render the building or structure safe, said notice shall not have been complied with, and said building or structure is in such unsafe or unsanitary condition as to endanger life or property, or the health of the occupants or the community or neighborhood, it shall be the duty of the appropriate officer of the city, upon order to that effect from the city commissioners, to proceed forthwith to tear down such unsafe and unsanitary condition as aforesaid, or to take such measures as may be necessary to put such building or structure in a safe and sanitary condition.
3. An itemized account of the expense of tearing down and removing such building or structure or of putting same in a safe and sanitary condition shall be presented to the owner, lessee or occupant for payment, and in case the owner, lessee or occupant, as the case may be, shall fail or refuse, on demand, to pay the same, then the same may be recovered from such owner, lessee or occupant in an action of debt in the name of the city. (1980 Code § 4-19)