A.   Notice Of Restrictions: The city manager of Drumright is hereby authorized to restrict or prohibit the use of water for certain purposes during a drought or to prevent a water shortage. Said authorization shall be reduced to writing and the city clerk shall make the same available for public inspection by posting same on the north window of city hall. In addition, each such authorization shall be published in at least one newspaper of general circulation within the city of Drumright. The authorization shall be effective from and after posting on north window of city hall or from and after publication. The city manager may use such other notice of the authorization to the public as (s)he determines necessary or desirable. Each such authorization shall have full force and effect of the law until terminated by the city manager or by affirmative vote of the city commission.
   B.   Conservation Requirement: On direction by the city of Drumright staff to conserve water during a drought or to prevent a water shortage, citizens must comply by reducing their water consumption as described herein:
      1.   Phase I: Persons with residences or commercial buildings on the even numbered sides of the street may only water their yards on even numbered days and persons with residences or commercial buildings on the odd numbered sides of the streets may only water their yards on odd numbered days.
      2.   Phase II: In addition to the restrictions in phase I, no sprinkler systems or sprinklers are allowed. Outside watering is restricted to handheld watering only, no more than one hour per day. Commercial, governmental and industrial users may be contacted to decrease consumption.
   C.   Penalty: Any individual, person, firm, corporation, association or other individual using city water in violation of any portion of this section or in violation of any order of the city manager as authorized herein shall be guilty of an offense, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) and no more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), excluding costs, for each day the defendant violates this section. (Ord. 293, 8-13-2012)