(A)   In the event a home is made uninhabitable by accident, fire or natural disaster, the occupants may seek permission to locate a travel trailer, motor home, recreational vehicle or other temporary shelter on the property through a temporary permit process as described in this section. In addition, permission for short term stay at a commercial or industrial site or at the site of new construction where a night watchman is needed may be sought under this section.
   (B)   This section does not allow occupancy of a travel trailer, motor home, recreational vehicle or other temporary shelter as a place of residence apart from the short term or emergency conditions described above.
      (1)   Permitted temporary uses. Temporary occupancy of travel trailers, motor homes, recreational vehicles or other temporary shelter structures, may be permitted on authority of the City Administrator using a Type I procedure as described in § 151.205. Temporary permits may be issued as necessary to provide for emergency or short term housing in the event of accident, fire or natural disaster or for the purpose of providing shelter for a night watchman at a commercial or industrial site or the site of new construction.
      (2)   Criteria for decision. No temporary permits shall be issued except upon a finding that the temporary occupancy:
         (a)   Would not adversely impact neighboring residences; and
         (b)   Would not cause a public health, safety or sanitation hazard as assessed by the City Administrator.
      (3)   Other conditions. Conditions are relative to the issuance of temporary permits.
         (a)   Reasonable conditions may be imposed by the City Administrator in connection with the temporary permit to minimize the potential impact of the proposed temporary occupancy to other uses in the vicinity. Guarantees and evidence may be required that such conditions will be or are being complied with. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to, the following:
            1.   Maintenance of the grounds;
            2.   Control of noise, odors or other nuisances;
            3.   Limitation of time for occupancy;
            4.   Location of the shelter on the property;
            5.   Limitations placed on activities allowed on the site; and
            6.   Assurance that sanitation facilities available to residents are adequate.
         (b)   Any temporary permit shall clearly set forth the conditions under which the permit is granted, and shall clearly indicate the time period for which the permit is issued. No temporary permit shall be transferrable to any other owner or occupant, but may be renewable through the administrative action process.
      (4)   Time limits and renewals for temporary permits.
         (a)   Temporary permits shall be issued for the period specified by the approving authority. No permit shall be granted for more than 21 days. Permits may be renewable upon expiration by an administrative action if all applicable conditions can again be met.
         (b)   Renewal of a temporary permit shall follow the same procedure as the initial application.
(Ord. 372, passed 12-8-1997)