The plan to be used for house numbering or the numbering of buildings in the Village, shall be under a base line plan, from which all streets are to be numbered; that the following named streets shall be used as base lines, from which all other streets are to be numbered as follows
Portage Street - North and South Base Line.
Clinton Street - East and West Base Line.
Gates Street - North and South Base Line.
Marion Street - East and West Base Line.
Portage Street Base Line
(a) All streets running East from Portage Street are numbered East from Portage Street.
(b) All streets running West from Portage Street are numbered West from Portage Street.
Clinton Street Base Line
(c) All streets running North from Clinton Street are numbered North from Clinton Street, except Howard Street and High Street.
(d) All streets running South from Clinton Street are numbered South from Clinton Street.
(e) High Street shall carry the same respective numbers as a like section of Portage Street.
Gates Street Base Line
(f) All streets running East from Gates Street are numbered East from Gates Street.
(g) All streets running West from Gates Street are numbered West from Gates Street.
Marion Street Base Line
(h) All streets running North from Marion Street are numbered North from Marion Street.
(Ord. 15-45. Passed 11-20-45.)