Parking lots designed or intended to accommodate more than five (5) cars shall comply with the following criteria:
   (a)   Parking lots shall be used only for parking and not for any type of loading, sales, dead storage, repair work, dismantling or servicing, but may be used for convention exhibits or parking of rental vehicles.
   (b)   All entrances, exits, barricades at sidewalks, and drainage plans shall be approved and constructed before occupancy.
   (c)   Parking areas shall be graded and drained to minimize standing water, to provide drainage away from buildings, and to prevent runoff onto adjacent properties.
   (d)   Every parking lot shall have adequate pavement markings to delineate the spaces.
   (e)   Parking lots shall be set back ten (10) feet from any right-of-way line or any lot zoned for residential uses which area shall be reserved as open space, guarded with curbs or wheel blocks and planted with grass, shrubs and trees.
   (f)   At each entrance or exit, only one (1) sign, no larger than two (2) square feet, prescribing parking regulations, may be erected.
   (g)   Required off-street parking areas including drives and access ways, shall be surfaced with an all-weather surface material.
   (h)   Parking areas intended for use during non-daylight hours shall be illuminated.
   (i)   Lighting of parking areas shall be shielded to prevent casting light upon adjacent properties or creating glare visible from public streets or residential properties.
   (j)   Parking lots containing more than fifteen (15) parking spaces shall be improved with landscape islands or other landscaping techniques to provide visual relief.
   (k)   Parking lots shall be paved with asphalt, concrete, or hard surface treatment as approved by the Planning Commission and in accordance with design criteria and specifications established by the Village Engineer.
(Ord. 98-12. Passed 4-7-98; Ord. 2008-27. Passed 12–30-08.)