The following descriptions list the specifications of each buffer. The requirements are minimum and the developer may increase the buffer at his option. Buffer requirements are stated in terms of width of the buffer and the number of plant units required per one hundred (100) linear feet of buffer. The requirements of a buffer may be satisfied by any of the options under each letter designation. The number of plant materials required per one hundred (100) feet is represented by a whole or decimal number. Both the type and number of plants is, therefore, specified. All mathematical rounding shall be upwards and shall be applied to the total amount of plant material required in the buffer, not to each one hundred (100) feet in length. Smaller plant sizes are permitted when adjacent to vacant or agricultural land.
(a) Buffer "A". The requirements for Buffer "A" shall be met by any one of the following:
(1) 10 feet wide strip with 1 canopy tree, 2 understory trees, and 3 shrubs per 100 linear feet; or,
(2) 15 feet wide strip with 0.8 canopy tree, 1.6 understory trees, and 2.4 shrubs per 100 linear feet; or,
(3) 20 feet wide strip with 0.6 canopy tree, 1.2 understory trees, and 1.8 shrubs per 100 linear feet.
(b) Buffer "B". The requirements for Buffer "B" shall be met by any one of the following:
(1) 10 feet wide strip with a 44 inch high wood picket fence, a 48 inch high wood rail fence, ornamental iron fence or masonry wall and 1 canopy tree, 2 understory trees, and 3 shrubs per 100 linear feet; or,
(2) 15 feet wide strip with 1 canopy tree, 2 understory trees, and 3 shrubs per 100 linear feet; or,
(3) 20 feet wide strip with 0.8 canopy tree, 1.6 understory trees, and 2.4 shrubs per 100 linear feet.
(c) Buffer "C". The requirements for Buffer "C" shall be met by any one of the following:
(1) 10 feet wide strip with 6 feet high wood stockade, board on board, or other solid wood fence or other architecturally compatible masonry barrier and 2 canopy trees, 3 understory trees, and 5 shrubs per 100 linear feet between the fence or masonry barrier and the property line; or,
(2) 20 feet wide strip with a 4 foot high earth berm and 2 canopy trees, 3 understory trees, and 5 shrubs per 100 linear feet; or,
(3) 25 feet wide strip with 2 canopy trees, 3 understory trees, and 5 shrubs per 100 linear feet.
(d) Buffer "D". The requirements for Buffer "D" shall be met by any one of the following:
(1) 15 feet wide strip with 6 foot high wood stockade, board on board, or other solid wood or architecturally compatible masonry barrier and 2 canopy trees, 4 understory trees, and 6 shrubs per 100 linear feet; or,
(2) 20 feet wide strip with a 4 foot high earth berm and 2 canopy trees, 4 understory trees, and 6 shrubs per 100 linear feet; or,
(3) 30 feet wide strip with 2 canopy trees, 4 understory trees, and 6 shrubs per 100 linear feet; or
(4) 40 feet wide strip with 1.2 canopy trees, 2.4 understory trees, 3.6 shrubs per 100 linear feet shall be required for projects located within the General Business District and containing 50,000 square feet or more of gross floor area and/or sites greater than 5 acres in size.
(Ord. 98-12. Passed 4-7-98.)