Buffers are required to separate different land uses from each other in order to eliminate or minimize potential nuisances such as dirt, litter, traffic, noise, glare of lights, signs, and unsightly buildings or parking areas, or to provide spacing to reduce adverse impacts of noise, odor, or danger from fires or explosions. The fact that a particular land use may be permitted by right in its zoning district does not exempt it from the buffering requirements. Each application for a Zoning Permit, site plan approval, or a Certificate of Occupancy shall include information on the location and types of buffers to be constructed or already existing. This information shall be in sufficient detail to enable the Zoning Inspector to determine whether the requirements of this chapter are being met. The installation of all required buffers shall be completed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
(Ord. 98-12. Passed 4-7-98.)