(a) Purpose.
(1) The BD Downtown Business District is established as a district in which the principal use of the land is for commercial, service and civic uses, which serve as a focal point of the Village for the urban and rural market area. The transportation network, with ready access and parking facilities, and the utility systems shall be suitable to accommodate the existing and anticipated impacts. The intent of this district is to promote the orderly expansion of such uses within the Downtown Business District, as designated on the Zoning Map, thereby allowing for a convenient and efficient distribution of a wide variety of goods and services.
(2) This district prohibits uses which would substantially interfere with the continuation of the uses presently in the district or with the orderly growth of the district to meet the needs of increased population in the market area.
(b) Uses.
(1) Permitted uses.
A. Accessory Uses or uses clearly incidental to any permitted or conditional use and which will not create a nuisance or hazard
B. Banks, Savings and Loans, Mortgage Companies, and Other Financial Institution
C. Business and Professional Offices including architects, real estate, legal, engineering firms, and accountants
D. Places of Worship
E. Clubs and Lodges, Civic and Fraternal
F. Clubs, Private
G. Community Centers and Meeting Halls
H. Convenience Stores
I. Dry-Cleaning and Laundry
J. Dwellings, as an accessory use above ground level
K. Governmental Uses
L. Hotels
M. Libraries and Museums
N. Medical Facilities and Services including hospitals, clinics, doctor and dentist offices
O. Media Offices and Studios, including newspaper, radio and television
P. Movie Theaters, Indoor
Q. Recreation, Private Indoor, including movie or live theaters, video-arcades, billiard halls, health spas, gyms, bowling alleys, and skating rinks
R. Restaurants
S. Sales, Retail
T. Schools, Fine Arts, including art, music, dance and drama
U. Schools, elementary, secondary and colleges
V. Personal Services
W. Temporary Construction Buildings
(2) Conditionally permitted uses.
A. Convalescent and Nursing Homes
B. Day Care Facilities
C. Similar Uses
D. Tourist Homes
(c) Water and Sanitary Sewer Requirements. All uses and lots established within this district must be served by public water and sanitary sewer service.
(Ord. 98-12. Passed 4-7-98.)
(e) Enclosure Requirements. All business activity, servicing, processing, or storage, except off-street parking and loading, shall be within completely enclosed buildings, or enclosed by a wall or fence not less than six feet in height. Due to the unique nature of the historic downtown district, the location, setbacks, materials, construction type and maximum height of such screen wall or fence shall be as determined by the Planning Commission to be adequate and appropriate based upon the characteristics and conditions of the specific site.
(Ord. 2005-29. Passed 1-3-06.)
(f) Uses Prohibited in the BD District. The following uses shall not be permitted within the BD Downtown Business District:
(1) Pawn shops
(2) Vape shops
(3) Tattoo parlors
(4) Hookah lounges, smoke lounges, or vapor lounges
(5) Stores selling paraphernalia typically associated with controlled substances
(Ord. 2023-11. Passed 4-19-23.)