(a)   Prior to submission of a final site plan, each applicant shall submit to the Zoning Inspector eight (8) copies of a preliminary site plan which shall be reviewed by the Inspector and the Planning Commission. Submittal shall be at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the meeting at which the plans will be reviewed by the Commission, and shall be accompanied by a fee as established by Council.
   (b)   The Commission and Zoning Inspector may make such recommendations for changes as they may deem appropriate to: insure compliance with this Zoning Ordinance and good planning practice; to promote the orderly development of the site; and to insure harmony with adjoining properties.
   (c)   Every preliminary site plan submitted shall contain the following information:
      (1)   The name of the development and the name and address of the owner and developer;
      (2)   A scale, north arrow and date;
      (3)   The location and acreage of various uses;
      (4)   The proposed location of buildings;
      (5)   The location, names, and dimensions of proposed and existing streets, easements, and drainage ways;
      (6)   Preliminary plans for the provision of utilities; and
      (7)   Proposed parking layout including ingress and egress.
(Ord. 98-12. Passed 4-7-98; Ord. 2008-27. Passed 12-30-08.)