(a)   When a person or persons having an interest in property in the Village petitions for an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance which involves changing the zoning classification of a property by changing the district assigned to the property, changing the boundaries of a district, or establishing a new district classification, then such a petition shall be made on the form provided. All such applications for rezoning shall include a correct legal description of the property along with the names and addresses of the owners of property contiguous or directly across the street from the subject property. Each such application shall include a non-refundable fee to cover the costs of advertising and other administrative expenses and a review deposit in such amounts as are established by Village Council. Said fees and deposits shall be paid to the Village of Doylestown, Ohio.
   (b)   Each application for amendment or rezoning of property shall include submission of a Development Plan containing the following information:
      (1)   Existing topography at two foot (2') contour intervals of the property to be rezoned and extending at least fifty (50) feet outside of the proposed site, including property lines, easements, street rights-of-way, existing structures, trees and landscaping features;
      (2)   The proposed vehicular and pedestrian traffic patterns;
      (3)   The location of all existing and proposed structures;
      (4)   The proposed assignment of use and subdivision of land including private land and common land;
      (5)   Preliminary plans of all structure types;
      (6)   Proposed deed restrictions and/or protective covenants; and
      (7)   A tentative construction schedule.
   (c)   In addition to a concept development plan, the Planning Commission or Village Council may require submission of other relevant information deemed necessary or appropriate to determine the propriety of the proposed amendment or rezoning, such as, but not limited to, a traffic impact study, utilities impact study or drainage impact study.
   (d)   The Commission and Council may, at their sole discretion, waive the requirement for submission of a Development Plan or any portion of such plan when considering an application for an amendment.
   (e)   When reviewing applications, the Commission and Council may seek expert advice or cause special studies to be made. The costs for such services or studies shall be borne by the applicant and shall be assessed from the funds placed on deposit for such purpose. When such funds are insufficient, the applicant shall deposit such additional funds as may be required prior to action on the application.
(Ord. 98-12. Passed 4-7-98.)