All subdivisions shall be served by the existing Doylestown public water supply system. The subdivider shall be responsible for installing the water supply line to the subdivision and providing a lateral connection to each lot. Water mains and laterals shall be of acceptable size to service future needs of the proposed subdivision, both for domestic use or other appropriate land use and for fire protection purposes. All water lines are to be looped where possible. Where looping of lines is not possible, a blowoff and/or hydrant shall be installed to permit bleeding of the line. All water system extensions shall be approved by Ohio EPA prior to final Village approval. Water mains shall be installed to the boundaries of the subdivision to permit future extensions.
   (a)   Size. Water lines shall be a minimum of six (6) inches in diameter. House services will be a minimum three-fourths (¾) inch. Multi-family units or apartment complexes will be sized accordingly.
   (b)   Line Material. Water mains shall be DR18 C-900 Plastic or Class 52 Ductile Iron Pipe. All fittings shall be Ductile Iron Class 52 Mechanical Joints with Meg-A-Lugs or Grip Rings. Curb and corporation stops shall be used on all services.
   (c)   Depth. The minimum depth for installation of water lines shall be forty-eight (48) inches to the top of pipe. Maximum depth of water lines shall be not more than seventy-two (72) inches to the top of pipe. All water lines shall be bedded and covered with crusher run material, no rock may be used for backfill:
      Minimum of bedding depth shall be two (2) inches.
      Minimum cover over pipe for C-900 shall be six (6) inches.
      Minimum cover for ductile iron pipe shall be eight (8) inches.
   (d)   Hydrants. All hydrants shall be Mueler A-421 with Akron threads on 2½ nozzles. Minimum distance between hydrants shall be five hundred (500) feet.
   (e)   Valves. There shall be a minimum of three (3) valves placed at each intersection. One (1) valve shall be placed every eight hundred (800) feet of main line.
   (f)   Bends, Dead-Ends, And In Line Valves. All bends, dead-ends, and in line valves shall use Meg-A-Lug type glands and blocking.
   (g)   Location. Water lines are to be installed a three (3) feet from the back of curb. All lateral service line curb boxes will be installed eight (8) feet inside utilities easement with a ten (10) foot stub out of easement onto the property. All valves main and service and all stubs will be marked with four inches by four inches by ten foot (4" x 4" x 10') post.
   (h)   Backfill. All excavations under streets and driveways shall be backfilled with 304 Limestone compacted in twelve (12) inch lifts.
   (i)   Testing. All water lines shall be tested and disinfected prior to being placed in service. No line shall be placed in service without prior authorization from the Village.
(Ord. 98-28. Passed 9-1-98.)