All necessary facilities, including underground pipe, inlets, catch basins or open drainage ditches, as determined by the Planning Commission, with the advice of the Village Engineer, shall be installed to provide for the adequate disposal of subsurface and surface water and maintenance of natural drainage courses. All storm drainage facilities within the subdivision shall connect to an adequate drainage course.
(a) Storm Sewers and Storm Water Drainage. Storm sewers shall be provided on all improved streets. A drainage system adequate to serve the need of the proposed new streets and the entire subdivision will be required in new subdivisions. Where an adequate public storm sewer main is available near the subdivision boundary, the subdivider shall construct a storm sewer system and connect with such storm sewer main. If such storm sewer systems are not accessible, the subdivider shall construct a storm sewer system and provide a headwall for discharge to natural drainage channels with easements of adequate width. All storm sewers shall be concrete unless otherwise approved. All downspouts shall be connected to the storm sewer system.
(b) Culverts and Bridges. When natural drainage channels intersect any street right-of-way, it shall be the responsibility of the subdivider to have satisfactory bridges and culverts designed and constructed. Where culverts are required, the following minimum requirements shall be observed:
(1) All culverts shall extend across the entire right-of-way width of the proposed road. The cover over the culvert and its capacity shall be approved by the responsible governmental official, depending upon jurisdiction. The minimum diameter of a culvert pipe shall be eighteen (18) inches. Headwalls, depending on existing drainage conditions, may be required.
(2) Driveway culverts shall be a minimum length of twenty (20) feet. The diameter of driveway culverts shall be subject to the approval of the responsible governmental official, depending upon jurisdiction. The minimum diameter shall be twelve (12) inches. The driveway culverts shall be laid so as to maintain the flow lines of the ditch or gutter. Headwalls may be required.
(d) Stormwater Detention. In addition to the other storm drainage requirements set forth in this chapter, stormwater runoff control shall be provided. In general, it is the intent of this section to control the discharge rate of stormwater to prevent accelerated runoff, flooding and stream channel erosion that occurs as a result of development. Designs shall conform to the provisions set forth in Chapter 1183
(Ord. 2019-14. Passed 6-18-19.)