Any person, firm or corporation causing any opening or excavation to be made within any street, alley, sidewalk or public way or easement within the Village shall:
   (a)   Protect all adjacent properties and premises from damage during the progress of the work;
   (b)   Have such excavation or opening fully barricaded at all times to prevent injury to persons;
   (c)   Provide adequately for the maintenance and control of traffic including, but not limited to, the use of flagmen, advance warning signs and warning lights;
   (d)   Properly plate or cover excavations during period of inactivity;
   (e)   Schedule and obtain inspections of the work by the Street Superintendent;
   (f)   Provide illuminated lamps to be securely and conspicuously posted on, at or near each end of any obstruction or excavation at all times during the evening hours;
   (g)   Be solely liable and answerable for any and all damages, suits, claims, liability or judgments to person or property and hold the Village harmless against all such damages, suits, claims, liability or judgments;
   (h)   Restore all pavements and other surfaces to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent.
(Ord. 2000-56. Passed 10-3-00.)