(a)   Application for a permit to work within the public right of way shall be made to the Building Inspector on forms prescribed by the Village, giving the exact location of the proposed opening, type of work to be performed, the kind of paving, the area and depth to be excavated and such other facts as may be deemed necessary by the Village Engineer and/or Street Superintendent. Each application for a permit shall be accompanied by:
      (1)   A plan and specifications detailing the work to be performed;
      (2)   A non-refundable fee as established by Village Council;
      (3)   A bond or cash deposit in an amount determined by the Building Inspector to be sufficient to guarantee completion of the proposed work to the satisfaction of the Village and the restoration of all disturbed areas to their original conditions; and
      (4)   Evidence of liability insurance issued by a company authorized to write insurance in the State of Ohio in an amount satisfactory to the Building Inspector.
   (b)   Upon receipt of an application for a right-of-way construction permit, the Building Inspector shall forward as needed, to the Village Engineer and/or Street Superintendent who shall review the request, plans and additional data submitted for compliance with this chapter and with the established policies, procedures, standards and requirements of the Village of Doylestown and the Board of Public Affairs for such work and shall act upon such request within a reasonable period of time. If the Village Engineer and/or Street Superintendent finds the application to be incomplete or unsatisfactory, the request shall be denied and notice given to the applicant indicating the basis for said denial. If the application is acceptable a permit shall be issued.
   (c)   The Village Engineer and/or Street Superintendent may attach such additional or special conditions, stipulations, or requirements to the permit as may be deemed necessary to protect the public health, safety and general welfare, to limit disruption of traffic, and to insure the proper function and performance of the public facilities and/or utilities involved. Such special conditions may include, but shall be not be limited to, establishment of permitted hours of operation, designation of required completion date, and provisions for detouring of traffic.
(Ord. 2000-56. Passed 10-3-00; Ord. 2014-39. Passed 10-1-14.)