For the purpose of this regulation, the following terms shall have the meaning herein indicated:
   (a)   "Acre" means a measurement of area equaling 43,560 square feet.
   (b)   "As-built survey" means a survey shown on a plan or drawing prepared by a registered professional surveyor indicating the actual dimensions, elevations, and locations of any structures, underground utilities, swales, detention facilities, and sewage treatment facilities after construction has been completed.
   (c)   "Bankful channel" means a channel flowing at channel capacity and conveying the bankfull discharge. Delineated by the highest water level that has been maintained for a sufficient period of time to leave evidence on the landscape, such as the point where the natural vegetation changes from predominantly aquatic to predominantly terrestrial or the point at which the clearly scoured substrate of the stream ends and terrestrial vegetation begins.
   (d)   "Bankful discharge" means the streamflow that fills the main channel and just begins to spill onto the floodplain; it is the discharge most effective at moving sediment and forming the channel.
   (e)   "Best Management Practices (BMP): also stormwater control measure (SCMs)" means schedule of activities, prohibitions of practices, operation and maintenance procedures, treatment requirements, and other management practices (both structural and non-structural) to prevent or reduce the pollution of water resources and to control stormwater volume and rate. This includes practices to control runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage from raw material storage. For guidance, please see the Rainwater and Land Development Manual.
   (f)   "Clean Water Act" means Pub. L. 92-500, as amended, Pub. L. 95-217, Pub. L. 95-576, Pub. L. 96-483, Pub. L. 97-117, and Pub. L. 100-4, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq. Referred to as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972.
   (g)   "Community" means the Village of Doylestown, its designated representatives, boards, or commissions.
   (h)   "Comprehensive stormwater management plan" means the written document and plans meeting the requirements of this regulation that sets forth the plans and practices to minimize stormwater runoff from a development area, to safely convey or temporarily store and release post-development runoff at an allowable rate to minimize flooding and stream bank erosion, and to protect or improve stormwater quality and stream channels.
   (i)   "Critical storm" means a storm that is determined by calculating the percentage increase in volume of runoff by a proposed development area for the one (1) year twenty-four (24) hour event. The critical storm is used to calculate the maximum allowable stormwater discharge rate from a developed site.
   (j)   "Development area" means a parcel or contiguous parcels owned by one (1) person or persons, or operated as one (1) development unit, and used or being developed for commercial, industrial, residential, institutional, or other construction or alteration that changes runoff characteristics.
   (k)   "Development drainage area" means a combination of each hydraulically unique watershed with individual outlet points on the development area.
   (l)   "Disturbed area" means an area of land subject to erosion due to the removal of vegetative cover and/or soil disturbing activities.
   (m)   "Drainage" means the removal of excess surface water or groundwater from land by surface or subsurface drains.
   (n)   "Erosion" means the process by which the land surface is worn away by the action of wind, water, ice, gravity, or any combination of those forces.
   (o)   "Extended detention facility" is a stormwater control measure that replaces and/or enhances traditional detention facilities by releasing the runoff collected during the stormwater quality event over at least twenty-four (24) to forty-eight (48) hours, retarding flow and allowing pollutants to settle within the facility.
   (p)   "Final stabilization" means all soil disturbing activities at the site have been completed and a uniform perennial vegetative cover with a density of at least eighty percent (80%) coverage for the area has been established or equivalent stabilization practices, such as the use of mulches or geotextiles, have been employed.
   (q)   "General contractor" means the primary individual or company solely accountable to perform a contract. The general contractor typically supervises activities, coordinates the use of subcontractors, and is authorized to direct workers at a site to carry out activities required by the permit.
   (r)   "Grading" means the process in which the topography of the land is altered to a new slope.
   (s)   "Green infrastructure" means wet weather management approaches and technologies that utilize, enhance or mimic the natural hydrologic cycle processes of infiltration, evapotranspiration and reuse.
   (t)   "Hydrologic Unit Code" means a cataloging system developed by the United States Geological Survey and the Natural Resource Conservation Service to identify watersheds in the United States.
   (u)   "Impervious cover" means any surface that cannot effectively absorb or infiltrate water. This may include roads, streets, parking lots, rooftops, sidewalks, and other areas not covered by vegetation.
   (v)   "Infiltration control measure" means a stormwater control measure that does not discharge to a water resource during the stormwater quality event, requiring collected runoff to either infiltrate into the groundwater and/or be consumed by evapotranspiration, thereby retaining stormwater pollutants in the facility.
   (w)   "Larger common plan of development" means a contiguous area where multiple separate and distinct construction activities may be taking place at different times on different schedules under one (1) plan.
   (x)   "Low impact development (LID)" is a site design approach, which seeks to integrate hydrologically functional design with pollution prevention measures to compensate for land development impacts on hydrology and water quality. LID's goal is to mimic natural hydrology and processes by using small-scale, decentralized practices that infiltrate, evaporate, detain, and transpire stormwater. LID stormwater control measures (SCMs) are uniformly and strategically located throughout the site.
   (y)   "Maximum extent practicable" means the level of pollutant reduction that operators of small municipal separate storm sewer systems regulated under 40 C.F.R. Parts 9, 122, 123, and 124, referred to as NPDES Stormwater Phase II, must meet.
   (z)   "Municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4)" means a conveyance or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains) that are:
      (1)   Owned or operated by the Federal government, state, municipality, township, county, district, or other public body (created by or pursuant to state or Federal law) including a special district under state law such as a sewer district, flood control district or drainage districts, or similar entity, or a designated and approved management agency under section 208 of the Clean Water Act that discharges into water resources; and
      (2)   Designed or used for collecting or conveying solely stormwater,
      (3)   Which is not a combined sewer, and
      (4)   Which is not a part of a publicly owned treatment works.
   (aa)   "National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)" means a regulatory program in the Federal Clean Water Act that prohibits the discharge of pollutants into surface waters of the United States without a permit.
   (bb)   "Nonstructural stormwater control measure (SCM)" means any technique that uses natural processes and features to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants to water resources and control stormwater volume and rate.
   (cc)   "Ordinary high water mark" means that line on the shore established by the fluctuations of water and indicated by physical characteristics such as clear, natural line impressed on the bank, shelving, changes in the character of soil, destruction of terrestrial vegetation, the presence of litter and debris, or other appropriate means that consider the characteristics of the surrounding areas.
   (dd)   "Post-construction/transition meeting" means a transition meeting with the construction team, engineer, and owner to discuss the post-construction stormwater control measures, ensure they are installed as designed, explain what to look for during monthly and annual inspections, and provide the owner tools to plan for long-term maintenance needs.
   (ee)   "Post-development" means the conditions that exist following the completion of soil disturbing activity in terms of topography, vegetation, land use, and the rate, volume, quality, or direction of stormwater runoff.
   (ff)   "Pre-construction meeting" is a meeting prior to construction between all parties associated with the construction of the project including government agencies, contractors and owners to review agency requirements and plans as submitted and approved.
   (gg)   "Pre-development" means the conditions that exist prior to the initiation of soil disturbing activity in terms of topography, vegetation, land use, and the rate, volume, quality, or direction of stormwater runoff.
   (hh)   "Professional engineer" is a professional engineer registered in the State of Ohio with specific education and experience in water resources engineering, acting in conformance with the Code of Ethics of the Ohio State Board of Registration for Engineers and Surveyors.
   (ii)   "Qualified inspection personnel" means a person knowledgeable in the principles and practice of erosion and sediment controls, who possess the skills to assess all conditions at the construction site that could impact stormwater quality and to assess the effectiveness of any sediment and erosion control measure selected to control the quality of stormwater discharges from the construction activity.
   (jj)   "Redevelopment" means a construction project on land that has been previously developed and where the new land use will not increase the runoff coefficient used to calculate the water quality volume. If the new land use will increase the runoff coefficient, then the project is considered to be a new development project rather than a redevelopment project.
   (kk)   "Riparian area" means land adjacent to any brook, creek, river, or stream having a defined bed and bank that, if appropriately sized, helps to stabilize streambanks, limit erosion, reduce flood size flows, and/or filter and settle out runoff pollutants, or performs other functions consistent with the purposes of this regulation.
   (ll)   "Riparian and wetland setback" means the real property adjacent to a water resource on which soil disturbing activities are limited.
   (mm)   "Runoff" means the portion of rainfall, melted snow, or irrigation water that flows across the ground surface and is eventually returned to water resources.
   (nn)   "Sediment" means the soils or other surface materials that can be transported or deposited by the action of wind, water, ice, or gravity as a product of erosion.
   (oo)   "Sedimentation" means the deposition of sediment in water resources.
   (pp)   "Site owner/operator" means any individual, corporation, firm, trust, commission, board, public or private partnership, joint venture, agency, unincorporated association, municipal corporation, county or state agency, the Federal government, other legal entity, or an agent thereof that is responsible for the overall construction site.
   (qq)   "Soil disturbing activity" means clearing, grading, excavating, filling, or other alteration of the earth's surface where natural or human made ground cover is destroyed that may result in, or contribute to, increased stormwater quantity and/or decreased stormwater quality.
   (rr)   "Stabilization" means the use of Best Management Practices or stormwater control measures that reduce or prevent soil erosion by stormwater runoff, trench dewatering, wind, ice, gravity, or a combination thereof.
   (ss)   "Stormwater or storm water," defined at 40 CFR 122.26(b)(13), and means stormwater runoff, snow melt runoff and surface runoff and drainage.
   (tt)   "Stormwater control measure (SCM): also Best Management Practice (BMP)" is the schedule of activities, prohibitions of practices, operation and maintenance procedures, treatment requirements, and other management practices (both structural and non-structural) to prevent or reduce the pollution of water resources and to control stormwater volume and rate. This includes practices to control runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage from raw material storage. For guidance, please see U.S. EPA's National Menu of BMPs.
   (uu)   "Structural storm water management practice or stormwater control measure (SCM)" means any constructed facility, structure, or device that prevents or reduces the discharge of pollutants to water resources and controls stormwater volume and rate.
   (vv)   "Subcontractor" means an individual or company that takes a portion of a contract from the general contractor or from another subcontractor.
   (ww)   "Surface water of the state: also water resource" means any stream, lake, reservoir, pond, marsh, wetland, or other waterway situated wholly or partly within the boundaries of the state, except those private waters which do not combine or affect a junction with surface water. Waters defined as sewerage systems, treatment works or disposal systems in R.C. § 6111.01 are not included.
   (xx)   "Total maximum daily load" means the sum of the existing and/or projected point source, nonpoint source, and background loads for a pollutant to a specified watershed, water body, or water body segment. A TMDL sets and allocates the maximum amount of a pollutant that may be introduced into the water and still ensure attainment and maintenance of water quality standards.
   (yy)   "Water quality volume (WQv)" means the volume of stormwater runoff which must be captured and treated prior to discharge from the developed site after construction is complete. WQv is based on the expected runoff generated by the mean storm precipitation volume from post-construction site conditions at which rapidly diminishing returns in the number of runoff events captured begins to occur.
   (zz)   "Water resource: also surface water water of the state" means any stream, lake, reservoir, pond, marsh, wetland, or waterway situated wholly or partly within the boundaries of the state, except those private waters which do not combine or affect a junction with surface water. Waters defined as sewerage systems, treatment works or disposal systems in R.C. § 6111.01 are not included.
   (aaa)   "Water resource crossing" means any bridge, box, arch, culvert, truss, or other type of structure intended to convey people, animals, vehicles, or materials from one (1) side of a watercourse to another. This does not include private, non-commercial footbridges or pole mounted aerial electric or telecommunication lines, nor does it include below grade utility lines.
   (bbb)   "Watershed" means the total drainage area contributing stormwater runoff to a single point.
   (ccc)   "Wetland" means those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions, including swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas (40 CFR 232, as amended).
(Ord. 2019-13. Passed 6-18-19.)