(a)   Storm drainage improvements and facilities which are located within public rights-of-way or on public property shall be dedicated to the Village for ownership and maintenance unless such requirement is specifically waived by the Village.
   (b)   Where facilities intended to be owned and/or maintained by the Village cross or are located on private property, an easement for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of such facilities shall be provided to the Village.
   (c)   Storm water management facilities located on private property and intended to be held in private ownership shall provide an agreement and/or plan for the perpetual maintenance of such facilities including provisions for funding maintenance provisions. The post-construction operation and maintenance plan shall be a stand alone document which designates the entity responsible for inspection and maintenance, the routine and non-routine maintenance tasks to be performed, a schedule for maintenance and inspections, and all necessary legally binding easements and agreements.
   (d)   The Village shall be a beneficial party to all storm water management facilities and provisions and their perpetual maintenance. The Village shall have the right, but no obligation, to inspect such facilities and provisions and to require implementation of maintenance and/or repair measures as determined to be necessary and appropriate for the continued proper functioning of such storm water management facilities. Failure to comply with directives to maintain or repair facilities shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
(Ord. 2019-13. Passed 6-18-19.)