The Village establishes a Public Service Directional Sign Policy with said signs to be managed by the Village and erected on public rights-of-way under the following guidelines:
(a) Directional signs measuring 324 square inches may be placed at major intersections of the Downtown Business District (said district as defined by the Zoning Code) on public right-of-way, and
(b) Such signs will be designed, procured and placement will be made by the Streets and Parks Department with no more than one sign per intersection, and
(c) Eligibility for directional signage under this policy is restricted to commercial businesses, public buildings and churches, within five miles of Village Hall, with a minimum annual attendance of 500 and, if a commercial business, a minimum of one-half of its annual business generated from outside of Chippewa Township, and
(d) Village Council may elect to charge commercial applicants for such signs fifteen dollars ($15.00) per month per sign and may elect to provide such signage to nonprofit applicants at the actual cost of the sign, and
(e) This policy will be administered by the Mayor and the Streets and Parks Department under the oversight of the streets committee of Council.
(Ord. 2000-31. Passed 7-3-00.)