Ord. No.    Date    Description
68A    12-23-1893    Reeves Iron Co. to construct a railway over certain streets to remove produce from Rolling Mill.
73A    5-27-1891    Ohio Telephone & Telegraph Co. to construct telephone and telegraph lines on all streets.
76A    9-18-1898    East Ohio Gas Co. to lay etc., mains and pipes in all streets.
10    6-19-05    Penn. Co. operating Cleve. & Penn. R. R. for right of way over certain streets.
30    3-5-06    Penn. Co. right to lay single switch track across certain streets.
35    5-28-06    Canton-New Phila. R. R. Co. and Tuscarawas Traction Co. extension of tracks.
105    4-5-09    Renewal of the right of East Ohio Gas Co. to lay mains etc.
110    4-19-09    Penn. Co. the right to construct etc., a railroad switch across Union Ave.
129    12-13-09    Charles Weinsz right to construct a railroad switch across Factory St.
157    8-17-11    The B. & O. R.R. Co. the right to construct etc., tracks on or across certain streets.
242    12-15-13    Seeking agreement to build storm sewer under right of way and tracks of Am. Sheet and Tin Plate Co.
272    10-27-14    Execute agreement with Am. Sheet and Tin Plate Co. on construction repair, etc., of sanitary sewer under right of way of Co.
369    2-19-17    The Pen Mold & Mfg. Co. the right to construct etc. a railroad switch across Third St.
405    5-27-18    The Pen Mold & Mfg. Co. the right to construct etc. an additional railroad switch across W. Third St.
898    3-12-28    The East Ohio Gas Co. the right to lay mains etc. to supply gas, repeals Ord. 683.
943    11-5-28    Authorizing an agreement with the Penn R.R. for license to go under right of way of Cleve. & Pitts. R. R. with water main.
1039    5-21-30    Authorizing license agreement with Penn R. R. to cross under tracks with water line.
1242    12-29-33    Authorizing license and agreement with Penn R. R.
1245    12-29-45    Authorizing license and agreement with B. & O. R. R. Co
1301    4-1-35    Authorizing purchase of right of way for Municipal Electric Light Plant lines and approving agreement with Reeves Mfg. Co.
1302    4-1-35    Accepting and approving proposed right of way agreement with George W. Krebs and Bertha E. Krebs.
1358    4-6-36    Repealing Ord. 898, and Ord. 1208. Granting rights to East Ohio Gas Co.
1360    5-18-36    Approving and accepting electric light and power line from those named therein.
1395    8-2-37    Approving and accepting electric light and power lines from Albert Winkler.
1473    7-25-39    Easement and right of way for public highway and road purposes upon and over Lot No. 9, Slingluff Tract, etc.
1490    1-15-40    Approving and accepting electric light and power lines and easements of H. C. Cappel.
1561    7-6-42    Approving and accepting electric line and easements of James K. Fondriest.
1606    4-17-44    Authorizing the Mayor to execute easement for ingress and egress on City owned premises.
1608    6-19-44    Authorization and agreement with Defense Plant Corp. modifying an easement.
1841    11-19-51    Authorizing grant of license to a television distributing service to use poles of electric distribution system, etc.
1859    2-18-52    Amending Ord. 1841, Sec. 22.
1913    8-3-53    Authorizing the Mayor to grant an easement to Dover Television Sys. Inc.
2188    6-16-58    T.V. Antenna System, Inc. to erect and maintain aerial cables, wires and other appurtenances.
2196    7-21-58    T.V. Antenna System, Inc. to construct and maintain coaxial cables over Ohio Canal Lands.
2197    7-21-58    T. V. Antenna System, Inc. to construct and maintain coaxial cables across Ohio Canal property.
2334    9-19-60    East Ohio Gas Co. to lay pipe lines in Municipal Park.
32-61    8-7-61    To State for highway purposes.
8-62    2-5-62    East Ohio Gas Co. over twenty-five foot tract off north end of Dover City Park for pipe line purposes.
60-62    9-17-62    Certain land in Reeves' Eighth Addition from Reeves Realty Co. for drainage purposes.
31-64    5-25-64    Accepting easement from Spiker for installation of a ten-inch water line.
52-64    9-21-64    Authorizes conveyance to the Village of Parral of a twelve-foot right of way for street purposes.
61-65    12-13-65    Authorizes easement to East Ohio Gas Co. for pipe line over fifty- foot strip of City land.
119-66    1-3-67    Vacates and accepts utility easements in Indian Meadows Third Addition.
85-69    11-3-69    From D. Waldenmyer, Inc. for storm sewer lines as part of the Dry Hollow-Crater Ave. relief storm sewer.
58-73    8-20-73    Granting easement to Richard C. and Alberta A. Smith for the purpose of constructing and installing brick on outside of building presently owned by them.
Res. 24-73   10-15-73   From Adrian C. and Maurice R. Helwick for water and sewer main easement.
Res. 25-73   10-15-73   From Robert J. and Jume Becker for main water line easement.
Res. 29-73   12-17-73   From Franklin Real Estate Company for water and sewer main.
63-73   10-15-73   To Gilbert P. and Ann E. Graham for constructing and installing brick.
5-75   1-6-75   To Buckeye Power, Inc. for constructing and operating electric light and power lines.
96-75   10-20-75   To Marlite, Division of Masonite Corp. for installation and maintenance of gas transmission line.
21-76   2-16-76   To East Ohio Gas and/or H.I. Snyder for installation and maintenance of gas transmission line.
54-76   6-7-76   To Glen C. and Doris E. Pringle for steps and entrance way.
8-77   2-28-77   Lincoln Mercury, Inc. for a gas transmission line beneath W. Third St.
38-77   6-6-77   Sanitary sewer line longitudinally upon Baltimore and Ohio property.
81-77   11-6-77   Contract with the Baltimore and Ohio RR for easement in conjunction with W. Third St. sanitary sewer extension.
88-77   11-6-77   Easement for improvements to the building front on City Lot 46.
89-77   11-6-77   Erection of building over portion of existing sewer easement on Marsh Lumber Co. property; accepting a permanent easement for alternate route for construction of sanitary sewer; accepting a quit claim deed to City of portion of land lying west of the east right of way line of former Dover Belt Line RR.
37-79   8-6-79   Extinguishes a easement to Reeves Realty Co. for Willis Ave. storm sewers.
45-79   10-1-79   To R. Wm. Sweitzer for improvements to property on Wooster Ave. and Fourth Street.
50-79   10-15-79   To General Telephone Co. of Ohio for Construction of a storm sewer.
Res. 9-80   3-17-80   Accepting easement from the Community Improvement Corp. of Tuscarawas County for sanitary sewer.
Res. 10-80   5-5-80   From Shaffer Trucking, Inc. and Clarence Mining, Inc., for public storm sewer.
Res. 6-81   2-16-81   Release of easement from Arthur N. and Dorothy J. Weinsz; new easement across lands of C.L. and Virginia Deeds, et al.
5-82   3-15-82   From G.H. and C.M. Carpenter for sanitary sewer.
58-83   11-7-83   To Red Hill Development for gas pipeline over right of way granted to Village of Parral in Ord. 52-64.
13-84   7-16-84   From Dover Board of Education for bicycle paths and basketball courts.
52-87   9-15-87   Vacates utility easement on Lots 4182 and 4183.
63-87   11-16-87   Vacates an easement on properties owned by Bruce and Lillian Sackett.
59-89   7-3-89   From Henry O. Archinal for the construction of a right of way for street and road purposes.
62-89   7-3-89   Vacates utility easement on property of Earl Wilson.
8-90   2-19-90   Vacates two utility easements on the plat of Edgewood First Addition on Lots 4504 and 4505.
36-90   5-7-90   To East Ohio Gas Co. for the purpose of installing an eight inch gas line.
60-90   9-4-90   To GTE North Inc. for the purpose of installing telephone lines across park lands.
21-91   5-6-91   Vacates an easement no longer needed for Municipal purposes on lands owned by Kenneth and Rita Mast.
23-91   5-6-91   Nonexclusive easement across lands owned by the City of Dover Industrial Park to provide Dover Chemical a means of ingress and egress.
74-91   1-6-92   Agreement with Jonathan Mason et al. to obtain easements across Mason lands to the retention pond from County Road 80.
46-95   9-18-95   Authorizes the release of an easement in the Parkside Seventh Addition in consideration of the developer granting a new easement and paying the costs to relocate such easement.
31-96   5-20-96   Grants an easement to Gregory A. Tope at 115 Canal Road.
35-96   6-3-96   Release of an easement in the Spiker Addition on property owned by James and Randa Espenchied.
19-97   3-17-97   Grants an easement to Leland Irwin at 326 East Front St.
32-97   7-21-97   Vacates an easement along the north property line of the First Christian Church located at 3029 North Wooster Ave.
6-98   2-2-98   Grants an easement to Stephen M. Todd for the building located at 140 West Third St.
69-98   11-16-98   Vacates an easement over Lot 272 in the P.J. Groh Allotment.
48-99   7-19-99   Release of an easement and vacating a utility easement over property owned by Oxford Capital Enterprises, LLC.
57-04   11-15-04   Agreement with Robert and Deborah McKenzie for an easement in accordance with the easement agreement attached to Appendix A.
8-09   4-13-09   Appropriates certain easements along Tuscarawas Ave. to facilitate the construction of a new bridge over the Tuscarawas River.
41-12   8-6-12   A 14' wide by 135' long utility and drainage easement in the Villas at Pebble Creek Subdivision.
21-13   4-15-13   Vacation of a drainage and utility easement on Lot 18 of Phase VIII of the Villas at Pebble Creek and the dedication of a drainage and utility easement on Lot 12 of Phase VIII of the Villas at Pebble Creek.
37-13   7-1-13   Authorizes fifty year easement in favor of the property located at 115 East Broadway (PPN #15-01901.000).
43-13   10-7-13   Approves the vacation and dedication of three drainage and utility easements in the North Star of Dover Manufactured Home Community.
18-2018   4-16-18   Approves the vacation of a utility easement off Cherry Alley.
14-20      6-1-20      Permanent easement created in vacated Comfort Place.
2-2023   1-3-23   Extinguishing the waterline easement from Broad Street through the southerly line of vacated Depot Street and under and through the properties of Dover Self-Storage Center LTD, PPN 1505751000, 1504145001, and the Dover Clarion Properties Inc. 1504168000, and R.J. Corman Railroad Group.