(a)    Whenever the Building and Zoning Codes Administrator and/or Codes Supervisor or their representatives find any dwelling structure or premises, or any part thereof, to be in violation of the provisions of the Housing Code, the Building and Zoning Codes Administrator and/or Codes Supervisor shall cause to be given to the owner of such structure or premises and, in the event the order requires the demolition of the property, also to any other parties having mortgages, liens or encumbrances against or any interest in such structure or premises, notice to repair the defects that are in violation of the Building Code, or notice to demolish the structure or premises within a specified reasonable period of time, which shall in no event be less than thirty days, except in cases of a bona fide emergency. The notice of violations and order to repair or demolish the defective building or structure shall state the consequences of failure to comply with such notice and order and, where applicable, the intention of the City to demolish the building or structure upon the owner's failure to comply.
   (b)    The notice required herein shall be given by the Building and Zoning Codes Administrator and/or Codes Supervisor by forwarding a copy of such notice and order to the owner and, if the order requires demolition of the property, also to any other parties having mortgages, liens or encumbrances against or other interests of record in the premises in question, by certified mail endorsed for delivery to "addressee only” or by causing a copy of the notice and order to be personally served upon the owner and other parties having interests in the premises concerned, in substantially the same manner as provided for the service of summons in civil actions in the courts of Ohio. Contemporaneously with the service of actual notice upon the owner and other parties having interests in the premises which are the subject of the notice and order, the Building aand Zoning Codes Administrator shall further cause a copy of the notice and order to repair or demolish to be posted conspicuously upon the premises affected.
   (c)    In the event that service of the notice and order cannot be made upon the owner and other parties having interests in the premises in question in accordance with the preferred method stated in subsection (b) hereof, and the whereabouts of the owner and other parties having interests in the premises cannot be ascertained by the exercise of reasonable diligence, then a copy of the notice and order shall be sent by ordinary U.S. mail to the last known address of the owner and persons having interests in the premises in question and a copy of the notice and order shall be posted in a conspicuous place upon such premises and shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City or County one time per week for two consecutive weeks.
   (d)    Notwithstanding the requirement of notice provided herein, when in the opinion of the Building and Zoning Codes Administrator, the condition of a structure or premises, or part thereof, constitutes an immediate hazard to human life or health, or when a prior violation notice has been sent to the owner or operator for the same or a similar violation, then no such notice of violation need be given to the owner or operator of such building.
(Ord. 43-96. Passed 9-3-96.)