Unless otherwise indicated on the plans, with advance approval of the City Engineer or his representative, materials shall meet the requirements and shall be in accordance with the "Material Details" of the current volume of the "Construction and Material Specifications," State of Ohio, Department of Highways. The materials will be referred to by material grade or section number of the same current volume.
   The specifications of the City shall in all respects govern all construction work. The work shall be done under City supervision and inspection. It shall be completed within the time fixed or agreed upon by the City Engineer.
   It shall be the responsibility of the City Engineer to inform the person or persons making the same, to the effect that, whenever the required improvements are properly made or otherwise secured as hereinafter mentioned, such Engineer will pass upon and recommend to the City Planning Commission that such plat, if otherwise conforming to these platting rules and regulations, be approved. (Ord. 45-67. Passed 8-7-67.)