(a)    The Parks Advisory Commission shall have the power to study, investigate, plan, advise, report and recommend to Council, the Director of Public Service or the Mayor, any action, program, plan or legislation which the Commission finds or determines to be necessary or advisable for the operation, expansion, utilization, maintenance, renovation and changes in the park system within the City.
   (b)    The Commission shall choose its own officers, make its own rules and regulations and keep a journal of its proceedings. A majority of the members shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. All plans, findings, advice, reports and recommendations, made by the Commission shall be in writing and shall designate by name those members of the Commission approving or concurring therein and members who do not so approve or concur therein shall have the right, as a part of such report, to state their reasons for refusing to approve or concur.
   (c)    The Commission, when requested by Council, the Mayor or Director of Public Service, shall consider, investigate, make findings, report and recommend upon any special matter of question coming within the scope of its work. (Ord. 66-83. Passed 12-5-83.)