(a)   The Village shall endeavor to make complete streets practices a routine part of operations, strive to make every street project accessible for all users, and coordinate efforts with other agencies and jurisdictions to achieve complete streets.
   (b)   To the extent possible, the Village resolves to consider complete streets practices for every street project in order to provide reasonably safe travel along and across the road right-of-way for each category of users; provided, however, that such infrastructure may be excluded, upon agreement of the Village and the applicable public road agency, subject to each agency’s powers and duties, where documentation and data indicate that:
      (1)   Use by non-motorized users is prohibited by law;
      (2)   The cost would be excessively disproportionate to the need or probable future use over the long term;
      (3)   There is an absence of current or future need;
      (4)   Inclusion of such infrastructure would be unreasonable or inappropriate in light of the scope of the project; or
      (5)   Implementation of complete streets infrastructure is not possible due to physical restraints imposed by the project area.
   (c)   As feasible, the Village will consider incorporating complete streets infrastructure into existing streets to improve the safety and convenience of users, construct and enhance the transportation network for each category of users, and create a walkable community.
   (d)   As feasible, if the safety and convenience of users can be improved within the scope of a street project that includes pavement resurfacing, restriping, or signalization operations, the Village will review the possibility of incorporating complete streets improvements.
   (e)   The Village will review all appropriate plans, zoning and subdivision codes, laws, procedures, and rules, including the Comprehensive Plan of the Village to attempt to address the needs of all users in all street projects on public and private streets. This shall be done through the normal course of revisions and updates to these documents.
   (f)   All street projects requiring funding or approval by the Village shall:
      (1)   Evaluate the effect of the proposed project on safe travel by all users.
      (2)   Identify measures to mitigate any adverse impacts on such travel that are identified.
      (3)   Achieve implementation of complete street infrastructure to the extent feasible.
(Ord. 2017-2. Passed - -17.)