(a)   Residential properties within the Village of Dimondale are provided containers approved by the Waste Hauler for storage and removal of residential refuse which is the preferred method for storing refuse according to the contract with the Waste Hauler. Single-use bags which are of sufficiently sturdy material as to prevent breaking or tearing prior to collection may be used in lieu of the hauler-provided containers. Each residence is limited to the equivalent of five, 30-gallon bags of trash per week. The total weight of a bag and its contents shall not exceed 35 pounds.
   (b)   Refuse containers may be placed curbside for collection no sooner than 24 hours before the scheduled collection and must be removed from the street or curb within 24 hours after collection.
   (c)   Cleanup of any spilled or scattered refuse shall be the responsibility of the owner or resident of the property where the refuse originated.
   (d)   Service for residential disposal is provided by the Village for residences within the Village limits. Refuse from outside of the Village shall not be placed for collection by the Village's contracted Waste Hauler.
   (e)   Hazardous waste, refuse which has not been drained of excessive amounts of liquid, commercial waste, construction waste and yard waste shall not be mixed with regular household waste for the Village's weekly refuse service.
(Ord. 2016-6. Passed 9-12-16.)