(A)   The city reserves the right not to register a unit unless the rental unit or units for which registration is sought complies with the requirements of this chapter.
   (B)   Any registration issued under this chapter is subject to the right, which is hereby expressly reserved by the city, to suspend, revoke or fail to renew the same should the registration holder or their agents, employees, representatives or lessees directly or indirectly operate or maintain the rental dwellings contrary to the provisions of this chapter or any other ordinance of the city or any special permit issued by the city, or the laws of the state; provided, however, registration shall not be suspended, revoked or failed to be renewed if the registration holder complies with a compliance order or orders in a timely manner.
   (C)   The City Administrator shall notify, in writing, the applicant that his or her registration has been denied, or the registration holder that his or her registration is being suspended, removed or non-renewed. The suspension, revocation or non-renewal shall occur 35 calendar days after the date of the order, or at such later date as set out in the order. The notice shall be served by mailing a copy of the order to the property owner, and the designated local property manager, if any, as indicated in the records on file in the City Administrator’s office.
   (D)   If the order is appealed to the City Council, the registration holder shall receive at least seven days’ written notice of the hearing date before the Council and, at that hearing, the registration holder, the local managing agent or an attorney representing the registration holder may present evidence. After the hearing, the Council may uphold the decision of the City Administrator, reverse the decision of the City Administrator or enter a different order with different conditions if the City Council deems it necessary to protect the public health, sanitation, safety or general welfare of the community at large or the residents of rental units in the city. The City Council shall issue written findings of fact and its order within 20 calendar days of the hearing.
   (E)   The decision of the City Council may be appealed by the registration holder by filing an appeal or an appropriate writ with the Clay County District Court within 15 calendar days of the date of the order of the City Council.
(Ord. 95-2, passed 7-26-1995; Ord. 22-03, passed 4-11-2022)