No person shall torture, beat, neglect or injure any animal or pet.
(1963 Code, § 102) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) No owner or custodian of any animal shall cause or allow such animal to soil, defile or defecate on any public property or upon any street, sidewalk, public way, play area or common grounds owned jointly by the members of a homeowners' or condominium association, or upon private property other than that of the owner, unless such owner immediately removes and disposes of all feces deposited by such animal in a sanitary manner.
(B) It is unlawful for any person owning, keeping or harboring an animal to cause or permit said animal to be on any public or private property not owned or possessed by such person without having in his/her immediate possession a device for the removal of feces and depository for the transmission of excrement to a proper receptacle located on the property owned or possessed by such person.
(C) It is unlawful for any person in control of, causing or permitting any animal to be on any public or private property not owned or possessed by such person to fail to remove feces left by such animal and dispose of it properly as described in division (D),
(D) Proper disposal of animal waste shall be limited to burial where lawfully permitted, flushing in the toilet, bagging for disposal in the owner or keeper's waste receptacle, and bagging for disposal in a waste receptacle in a public park or park area.
(E) Disposal of animal waste in storm drains, detention/retention ponds, or other storm water structure is prohibited.
(F) Disposal of animal waste in public compost is prohibited.
(G) The provisions of this section shall not apply to the ownership or use of any properly identified service animals, animals when used for police activities, or tracking animals when used by or with the permission of the appropriate authorities.
(H) Any person violating any provision of this section is committing a Class II nuisance and subject to penalties as entailed in Chapter 94.
(Ord. 22-04, passed 7-25-2022)