(A)   (1)   Wastewater service charge is used herein to mean revenue collected for the two following areas:
         (a)   Wastewater treatment operations, maintenance, replacement and debt retirement (Moorhead); and
         (b)   Wastewater collection systems operations, maintenance, replacement and debt retirement (Dilworth/Moorhead).
      (2)   These charges are based on actual use.
   (B)   An annual audit of expenses and revenue shall be made at the end of each fiscal year by the City of Dilworth and City of Moorhead; if upon review of the annual audit the approving authority deems it necessary, the rates described therein shall be adjusted accordingly to meet the needs of the annual audit with said adjustment to be made by the City of Dilworth City Council.
      (1)   Charges.
         (a)   Part 1: wastewater treatment service charges. The wastewater treatment service charge for the use of and for the service supplied by the wastewater facilities of the City of Moorhead shall be based on the current wastewater rate schedule for domestic and industrial wastewater users and based on the service agreement with the City of Dilworth.
         (b)   Part 2: wastewater collection service charges. The wastewater collection service charge to users serviced by the City of Dilworth shall be based on the current wastewater rate schedule adopted by the Dilworth City Council for residential, commercial and industrial users.
      (2)   Additional regulations and restrictions.
         (a)   Annual review of wastewater service charges. The City of Dilworth shall review not less often than every year the wastewater contribution of users and user classes; the total costs of operation, maintenance, replacement and debt service of the wastewater system; and its approved user charge system. The City of Dilworth and, in the case of industrial users, the City of Moorhead shall revise the charges as required annually for users or user classes to accomplish the following:
            1.   Maintain the proportionate distribution of operation, maintenance, replacement and debt costs among users and user classes as required herein;
            2.   Generate sufficient revenue to pay the total operation, maintenance, replacement and debt costs necessary to the proper operation, maintenance and replacement of the wastewater system; and
            3.   Apply excess revenues collected from a class of users to the costs of operation and maintenance attributable to that class for the next year and adjust the rate accordingly.
         (b)   Pollutants. The user charge system shall provide that each user which discharges any pollutants which cause an increase in the cost of managing the effluent or the sludge of the treatment works shall pay for such increased costs.
         (c)   Charges for operation and maintenance for extraneous flows. The user charge system shall provide that the costs of operation, maintenance, replacement and debt for all flows not directly attributable to users (i.e., infiltration/inflow and sewer line cleaning) be distributed among all users in the same manner that the City of Dilworth distributes the costs of operation, maintenance, replacement and debt among users (or user classes) for their actual use.
         (d)   Notification. Each user shall be notified, at least annually, in conjunction with a regular bill, of the rate and that portion of the user charges which are attributable to wastewater services. Public informational meetings may be held annually.
(Ord. 96-2, passed 3-27-1996)