(A) Preliminary plat. The applicant must prepare and submit a preliminary plat, together with a completed city action request form and appropriate fee. The preliminary plat should contain the information set forth in the divisions which follow. Upon specific request, the city may exempt an applicant from the submission of data which is not considered relevant to the application:
(1) Identification and description.
(a) The proposed name of the subdivision; names must not duplicate or be alike in pronunciation to the name of any plat recorded in the city or begin with the wording "replat;"
(b) Name of the owner(s) of record, or any agent having control of the land, and the land surveyor;
(c) Location of boundary lines in relation to a known section, quarter section, or quarter-quarter section lines comprising a legal description of the property;
(d) Graphic scale not less than one inch to 100 feet for large scale copies, 22 inches by 34 inches;
(e) North point/arrow;
(f) Date of preparation;
(g) Existing conditions;
(h) Boundary lines to include bearings and distances;
(i) Location of existing rights-of way, recorded easements, parks, and other land dedicated for public use; and
(j) One hundred-year flood elevations, the regulatory flood protection elevation, and boundaries of floodway and flood fringe areas, if known, taking into consideration the Flood Insurance Study and Flood Insurance Rate Map.
(2) Proposed subdivision features.
(a) Layout of proposed streets showing the right-of-way widths and proposed names of streets in conformance with city and county street identification policies. The name of any street heretofore used in the city or its environs should not be used unless the proposed street is a logical extension of an already named street, in which even the same name should be used;
(b) Each plat must provide at least two points of entry to adjacent streets, unless otherwise approved by the City Council;
(c) Locations and of proposed alleys and pedestrianways;
(d) Site(s) dedicated for parks, playgrounds, or other public uses to include size of such dedications;
(e) Areas, other than streets, alleys, bikeways, pedestrianways, and utility easements, intended to be dedicated or reserved for public use, including the size of such area or areas in acres;
(f) Lot lines, lot numbers, and block numbers;
(g) Lot dimensions; and
(h) Total acreage of proposed plat area.
(3) Supplementary information. Any or all of the supplementary information requirements set forth in this division should be submitted separately from the plat when deemed necessary by the city staff, consultants, advisory bodies, and/or City Council to adequately address the application and site in question:
(a) Plan showing the locations of sidewalks and bikeways;
(b) Grading plan which must include the proposed grading and drainage of the site, including provisions for stormwater detention and drainage;
(c) Proposed fill, levees, channel modifications, and other methods to overcome flood or erosion hazard areas in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and by use of the 100-year flood profile and other supporting technical data in the Flood Insurance Study;
(d) Existing zoning classifications for land in and abutting the subdivision;
(e) Minimum front and side street building setback line, including those located on curves and within cul-de-sacs;
(f) Sites, if any, for multi-family dwellings, shopping centers, churches, industry, or other non-public uses exclusive of single-family dwellings;
(g) Location and size of existing sewers, water mains, culverts, or other underground facilities within the preliminary plat area and to a distance of 150 feet beyond. Such data as grades and locations of catch basins, manholes, hydrants, and street pavement width and type also must be shown;
(h) Topographic data, including contours at vertical intervals of not more than one-half foot shown on a contour/topographic map. Watercourses, marshes, wooded areas, rock outcroppings, power transmission poles and lines, and other significant features also must be shown. USGS datum must be used for all topographic mapping where feasible;
(i) Subsurface conditions on tracts for subdivisions utilizing individual water and wastewater disposal systems; location and results of tests to ascertain subsurface soil, rock, and ground water conditions and availability; location and results of soil percolation tests;
(j) Other conditions on the tract: water courses, marshes, rock outcroppings, wooded areas, isolated preservable trees one foot or more in diameter, existing houses, barns, and other significant features;
(k) Statement of the proposed use of lots stating type of buildings with number of proposed dwelling units or type of business or industry, so as to reveal the effect of the development on traffic, park facilities, fire hazards, and congestion of population. The city may require the applicant to have formal traffic studies performed to the city's satisfaction which show the effect of the proposed development on traffic, fire hazards, and congestion;
(l) If any zoning changes are contemplated, the proposed zoning plan for the areas, including dimensions, must be shown. Such proposed zoning plans will be for information only and will not vest any rights in the applicant;
(m) A stormwater management plan both during construction and after development has been completed. Such plans are to be in accordance with best management practices (BMPs) as provided by city ordinance, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and the Board of Water and Soil Resources;
(n) A statement certifying the environmental condition of the site including the presence of any hazardous substance as defined in M.S. § 115B.02, subd. 8. Such statement may be required to be based upon an environmental assessment of the site by an environmental engineering firm acceptable to the city;
(o) An environmental assessment worksheet must be submitted if the city, city consultants, Minnesota Environmental Quality Board or other groups or agencies determine that one is required by law;
(p) Total square footage of each lot and block; and
(q) Such other information as may be required by the city.
(B) Final plat. The applicant must submit a final plat together with a completed city action request form, appropriate fee, and any necessary supplementary information. The final plat, prepared for recording purposes, must be prepared in accordance with provisions of Minnesota State Statutes and Clay County regulations, and such final plat must contain the following information:
(1) The final plat must be prepared and certified by a land surveyor who is registered in the state and must comply with the provisions of the law and this chapter;
(2) Name of the subdivision, which must not duplicate or too closely approximate the name of any existing plat recorded in the county or begin with the wording "replat;"
(3) Location by section, township, range, county, and state, and including descriptive boundaries of the subdivision, based on an accurate traverse, giving angular and linear dimensions;
(4) The location of monuments must be shown and described on the final plat. Locations of such monuments must be shown in reference to existing official monuments on the nearest established street lines, including true angles and distances to such reference points or monuments;
(5) Location of lots, outlots, street rights-of way, public highways, alleys, and parks and other features, with accurate dimensions in feet and decimals of feet, with the length of radii and/or arcs of all curves, and with all other information necessary to reproduce the plat on the ground must be shown. Dimensions must be shown from all angle points of curve to lot lines;
(6) Lots must be numbered clearly, blocks are to be numbered, with numbers shown clearly in the center of the block.
(7) Total square footage per lot, acreage per block, and total acres in the plat, to be submitted separately from the plat;
(8) The exact locations, widths, and names of all streets to be dedicated;
(9) Location, purpose, and width of all easements to be dedicated;
(10) Scale not less than one inch to 100 feet of plat for large scale copies, 22 inches by 34 inches (the scale to be shown graphically on a bar scale), date, and north arrow;
(11) A written statement from the county or township submitted separately, if the subdivision lies outside the boundaries of the city and is not to be annexed certifying the following:
(a) That the road authority, county, township, or developer will assume all responsibility for repair and maintenance of dedicated streets until annexation to the city; and
(b) That the township or county has the capacity for and will provide police and fire protection and on-site sewer system and well inspections to ensure proper installations.
(12) An executed copy of restrictive covenants to be submitted separately from the plat;
(13) Statement dedicating all easements as follows: "Easements for installation and maintenance of utilities and drainage facilities are reserved over, under, and along the designated areas marked ‘utility easements;'"
(14) Statement dedicating all streets, alleys, and other public areas not previously dedicated as follows: "Streets, alleys, and other public areas shown on this plat and not heretofore dedicated to public use are hereby so dedicated;" and
(15) Such other information that may be required by the city.
(C) Certification required.
(1) Certification by a registered land surveyor in the form required by M.S. § 505.03, as amended.
(2) Execution of all owners of any interest in the land and holders of a mortgage thereon of the certificates required by M.S. § 505.03, as amended, and which certificate must include a dedication of the utility easements and other public areas in such form as approved by the City Council.
(3) Space for certificates of approval by the Planning Commission and City Council in the following form in a substantially similar form:
At a regular meeting of the PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DILWORTH, MINNESOTA, on the _____ day of ___________________, 20_____, the plat of _____________________________ to the City of Dilworth, Clay County, Minnesota, was duly recommended for approval to the City Council. |
_________________________________________________________________________________ (NAME OF CURRENT PLANNING COMMISSION CHAIR) Chair City of Dilworth, Minnesota |
At a regular meeting of the CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF DILWORTH, MINNESOTA, on the _____ day of ___________________, 20_____, the plat of _____________________________ to the City of Dilworth, Clay County, Minnesota, was duly approved. |
_________________________________________________________________________________ (NAME OF CURRENT CITY ADMINISTRATOR) City Administrator City of Dilworth, Minnesota |
_________________________________________________________________________________ (NAME OF CURRENT CITY ENGINEER) City Engineer City of Dilworth, Minnesota |
(D) Metes and bounds.
(1) Except in unique situations as may be allowed by the City Council or in cases of minor subdivisions, conveyances by metes and bounds will be prohibited where any lot or lots involved are less than five acres in area or have a width of less than 300 feet at the building setback line.
(2) When a conveyance by metes and bounds is made and the parcels involved are between five acres and 20 acres in size, a survey of the parcels involved must be submitted to the City Planner before any building permits will be issued for those parcels, and a copy of the survey must be attached to the deed when it is submitted to the Clay County Recorder's Office for recording.
(Ord. passed - -)