(A) Purpose and intent. It is the purpose of the I-1 Light Industrial District to permit light industrial uses that are free from objectionable influence upon adjacent urban development.
(B) Permitted uses. The following are permitted uses in the Light Industrial District (I-1):
(1) Residential uses.
(a) Residential uses, provided that one dwelling unit shall be allowed per commercial structure and shall be incorporated into the structure. Residential uses shall not be located at ground level/first floor of any commercial structure in this district; and
(b) Trailer parks and camping facilities: camping facilities for tourists provided that any boundary line associated with the facility is at least 300 feet from any existing residential district.
(2) Non-residential uses.
(a) Animal-related services, inclusive of:
1. Veterinary clinics/hospitals/shelters (no overnight care, no outside pens); and
2. Pet shops (no outside pens, kennels or exercise yards).
(b) Entertainment and recreational activities, inclusive of:
1. Art galleries;
2. Museums;
3. Bowling alleys;
4. Billiards;
5. Indoor recreation;
6. Studios/dance;
7. Miniature golf;
8. Golf driving range;
9. Theatres (drive-up requires six foot obscuring fence); and
10. Amusement parks (go-kart tracks shall be at least 300 feet from any residential district).
(c) Vehicles and equipment, inclusive of:
1. Auto service station;
2. Automobile repair (major, minor and tire sales);
3. Agricultural implements/dealerships;
4. Automobile sales and rentals (includes dealerships/implements); and
5. Heavy equipment sales, service, and repair.
(d) Personal services, inclusive of:
1. Dry cleaning;
2. Laundromat;
3. Incidental repair;
4. Shoe repair/sales;
5. Sewing/tailor;
6. Massage treatments;
7. Tanning salon;
8. Barber/beauty shop;
9. Drug/pharmaceuticals;
10. Employment agencies;
11. Health clubs; and
12. Mortuaries/funeral.
(e) Professional services/commercial offices, inclusive of:
1. Locksmith;
2. Dental/hygienic;
3. Medical/clinics/hospitals;
4. Chiropractic;
5. Travel agency;
6. Real estate;
7. Architecture/design;
8. Engineering;
9. Accounting;
10. Property management;
11. Contracting (office);
12. Insurance sales/claims;
13. Plumbing/heating/electrical shops/sales;
14. Electrical/heating/air conditioning/masonry/refrigeration/roofing or similar contracting businesses where outside equipment or storage does not exceed 20,000 square feet, provided the area is effectively screened by a site obscuring fence at least six feet in height;
15. Investment (banks, savings, loans, credit unions, and the like); and
16. Professional services or commercial offices of similar use/type/intent.
(f) General retail, inclusive of:
1. Paint/decor store;
2. Book store;
3. Camera/photographic/film;
4. Bicycle sales/repair;
5. Essential services;
6. Gift store/novelties;
7. Jewelry sales;
8. Appliance sales;
9. Hobby shop;
10. Florists;
11. Tobacco shop;
12. Health food/products;
13. Dairy product retail;
14. Clothing/apparel;
15. Antique store;
16. Variety store;
17. Hardware;
18. Pawn shops;
19. Tattoo shops;
20. Sporting goods;
21. Toy/game stores;
22. Nurseries/landscape/garden centers;
23. General sales/repair (clocks, watches, vacuums, dry goods, fabric, auto part sales, postage, appliances, copies, televisions, electronics or other similar uses);
24. Music/record stores (including instruments);
25. Convenience store (with or without fuel sales);
26. Department/discount; and
27. Hunting goods/firearms/with other merchandise sales.
(g) Food and beverage services, inclusive of:
1. Bakery (goods/retail);
2. Delicatessen/prepared food sales;
3. Nightclubs;
4. Cocktail lounges;
5. Liquor stores (on/off sale);
6. Clubs/lodges;
7. Restaurants, cafes;
8. Bars, liquor sales;
9. Dairy product retail;
10. Meat or produce market (non-processing);
11. Truck stops/drive-thru restaurants (parking lots shall be 150 feet from any existing residential district);
12. Candy/ice cream/frozen desserts;
13. Grocery, supermarket, fruit/vegetable store (non-vehicle or movable sales); and
14. Bottling/distribution facilities.
(h) Lodging facilities, inclusive of:
1. Motels/motor hotels; and
2. Hotels.
(i) Agricultural processing (including fertilizer manufacturing), grain elevator and feed mixing and grinding plants; asphalt and concrete batching or ready-mix plants; concrete or cement products manufacturing; battery manufacture; bulk fuel, or gas storage; slaughter of animals (excluding stock yards); tire recapping or retreading or other similar heavy industrial uses, provided that:
1. A minimum lot area of 20,000 square feet and minimum lot width of 150 feet;
2. Drainage systems shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer;
3. Lighting shall comply with the provisions of § 153.068;
4. At the boundaries of a residential district, a strip of not less than five feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with § 153.068;
5. Vehicular access points and curb cuts to the business shall be limited in order to maintain efficient transportation systems and to reduce conflicts with through traffic. Site plans and access configurations shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer; and
6. No outside storage except as allowed in compliance with § 153.068.
(j) Car impound lots (other than publicly owned), provided that:
1. The entire site other than that taken up by a building, structure or plantings shall be surfaced with a material to control dust and drainage, subject to the approval of the City Engineer;
2. Drainage systems shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer;
3. Lighting shall comply with the provisions of § 153.068;
4. At the boundaries of a residential district, a strip of not less than five feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with § 153.068;
5. All fencing shall conform with the applicable provisions of the City Code;
6. Vehicular access points and curb cuts to the facility shall be limited in order to maintain efficient transportation systems and to reduce conflicts with through traffic. Site plans and access configurations shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer; and
(k) Salvage yards, wrecking yards, or waste recycling facilities, public utilities and public service uses to include: car impound lots, power production, waste and water treatment plants, solid waste transfer station, coal transfer stations and holding ponds, solid waste incineration or composting with or without energy recovery, provided that:
1. Drainage systems shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer;
2. Lighting shall comply with the provisions of § 153.068;
3. At the boundaries of a residential district, a strip of not less than five feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with § 153.068;
4. All fencing shall conform with the applicable provisions of the City Code;
5. Exterior storage areas shall be screened from view in compliance with § 153.068; and
6. Vehicular access points and curb cuts to the facility shall be limited in order to maintain efficient transportation systems and to reduce conflicts with through traffic. Site plans and access configurations shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer.
(l) Insecticide and pesticide, packaging only, and metal finishing, planting, grinding, sharpening, polishing, cleaning, rust-proofing and heat treatment, provided that:
1. Drainage systems shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer;
2. Lighting shall comply with the provisions of § 153.068;
3. At the boundaries of a residential district, a strip of not less than five feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance with § 153.068;
4. All fencing shall conform with the applicable provisions of the City Code; exterior storage areas shall be screened from view in compliance with § 153.068; and
5. Vehicular access points and curb cuts to the facility shall be limited in order to maintain efficient transportation systems and to reduce conflicts with through traffic. Site plans and access configurations shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer.
(3) Industrial uses. Manufacturing, production (light assembly), warehouse, storage and waste, inclusive of:
(a) Building material sales (non-lumber yard);
(b) Lumber yards (outside storage shall be screened by a six foot obscuring fence);
(c) Modular (factory built) home sales;
(d) Carpentry/cabinets;
(e) Furniture sales/assembly;
(f) Furniture re-finishing;
(g) Mini-storage/warehouse/rental facilities;
(h) Assembly/processing of non-offensive materials (appliances, electrical equipment, medical, dental, advertising products, scientific or other similar uses);
(i) Highway/street maintenance facilities;
(j) Research/development/testing laboratories/facilities; and
(k) Fabrication, machining, processing, packing/packaging, freight or general light industrial uses (non-inclusive of agricultural fertilizer/pesticide processing/sales, batch plants, concrete plants, grain elevators, bulk fuel sales, grinding plants, feed mixing, slaughter facilities, tire recapping/retreading or similar heavy industrial uses).
(4) Public, institutional and civic uses.
(a) Library;
(b) Public assembly (churches, synagogues, temples, and the like);
(c) Governmental offices, conference centers, civic buildings;
(d) Trade or vocational schools; and
(e) Parking lots/ramps and transportation terminals.
(C) Accessory uses. The following are permitted accessory uses in the Light Industrial District (I-1):
(1) Commercial uses within a building/structure that are accessory to the principal use but such use shall not exceed 30% of the gross floor space as utilized by the principal use;
(2) Off-street parking as regulated by § 153.060, but not including off-street parking for semi-trailer trucks;
(3) Off-street loading facilities as regulated by § 153.060; and
(D) Conditional uses. The following are conditional uses in an I-1 District:
(1) Residential uses. Multiple-family dwellings up to 12 units, provided that:
(a) There is adequate off-street parking in compliance with § 153.060;
(b) One off-street loading space, if applicable, in compliance with § 153.060;
(c) Parking areas are screened and landscaped from view of surrounding and abutting residential districts in compliance with § 153.065;
(d) All signing and informal or visual communication devices shall be in compliance with the applicable provisions of the City Code;
(e) The principal use structure is in compliance with the state Uniform Building Code; and
(f) Usable open space is equal to 20% of the gross lot area.
(2) Non-residential uses.
(a) Publicly regulated utility buildings, structures necessary for the health, safety and general welfare of the community; and
(b) Adult establishments (all types). This citation is based on a report prepared entitled "Report Of The Attorney General's Working Group On Regulation Of Sexually Oriented Businesses", dated June 6, 1989; other adjacent municipalities adopted regulations regarding adult uses and a review of zoning districts under this chapter. The city has determined that adult uses will have secondary effects upon certain pre-existing land uses within the city. Therefore, adult uses can be reasonably allowed in the Light Industrial (I-1) and Heavy Industrial (I-2) Districts if separated from certain sensitive land uses, provided that:
1. No adult establishment shall be located less than 1,000 feet from the nearest property line of any land in a residential zone, Planned Unit Development, residential uses, child care centers, day care facilities, school, religious institution, park, public recreational facility, library, establishment with a liquor license, playground or any similar sensitive use as determined by the city, whether within the city limits or not;
2. No adult establishment may be located less than 500 feet from any other adult establishment, whether within city limits or not. Measurements shall be made in a direct line from the property line of the premises where each use is located;
3. Off-site visibility. Any business operating as an adult establishment shall prevent visibility of its merchandise from public streets, sidewalks, parking lots or any areas outside of the building;
4. All entrances to the building (other than fire exits not useable by patrons) should be visible from the public right-of-way;
5. Signage. Signs shall not contain representational depiction of an adult nature or graphic descriptions of the adult theme of the operation;
6. Minors. No minor shall be permitted on the premises of any adult establishment; and
7. Other requirements may apply as determined through the conditional use permit process, as deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission and City Council.
(3) Off-premise or billboard signs as provided for in § 153.064.
(E) Minimum dimensional requirements and standards. The following minimum requirements shall be observed in the I-1 District subject to the additional requirements, exceptions and modifications set forth in this chapter.
(1) Lot dimensional standards.
Use type | Lot area | Lot width | Lot depth |
As permitted | None | None | None |
(2) Setbacks.
(a) Front yard: none or as otherwise required per building codes.
(b) Side and rear setbacks: none or as otherwise required per building codes.
(F) Maximum building height. For additional information on calculating building heights see definition of BUILDING HEIGHT in § 153.010.
(1) Principal building: none.
(2) Accessory buildings: as governed by § 153.069.
(Ord. passed - -)