(A)   Purpose and intent. The R-3 District is established to provide for an area where there will be a compatible variety of residential densities/dwelling units by encouraging single-family units, two-family units and multiple-family dwellings.
   (B)   Permitted uses. The following are permitted uses in the Limited Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) District:
      (1)   Residential uses.
         (a)   Single-family dwellings and two-family dwellings;
         (b)   Multi-family dwellings of more than two units but less than eight units;
         (c)   Townhome dwellings of more than two units but less than 13 units;
         (d)   Two unit single-family attached dwellings;
         (e)   Two unit condominiums if part of a larger single-family attached or condominium complex;
         (f)   Except as otherwise provided in § 153.041(B)(1)(c) and § 153.042(B)(1)(c), a state licensed residential facility serving from seven through 16 persons or a licensed day care facility serving from 13 through 16 persons, in accordance with M.S. § 462.357; and
         (g)   Manufactured homes subject to the following conditions:
            1.   All manufactured homes shall be constructed after June 15, 1976, and bear the H.U.D. certification seal;
            2.   The minimum width of the main portion of the structure shall not be less than 22 feet, as measured across the narrowest portion;
            3.   All dwellings shall be placed on a permanent foundation in compliance with the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the city;
            4.   Tongues on all manufactured homes shall be removed.
      (2)   Non-residential uses.
         (a)   Golf courses; and
         (b)   Essential services.
      (3)   Public, institutional and civic uses.
         (a)   Library;
         (b)   Primary and secondary schools;
         (c)   Open space, athletic fields, parks, and playgrounds;
         (d)   Public swimming pools (not less than 200 feet from existing residential neighborhoods or areas platted and/or zoned as residential area(s)); and
         (e)   Public assembly (churches, synagogues, temples, and the like).
   (C)   Accessory uses. The following are permitted accessory uses in the Limited Multiple-Family Residential (R-3) District:
      (1)   Private garages, parking spaces and car ports. Private garages are intended for use to store the private passenger vehicles of the family or families whom reside upon the premises, and in which no business service or industry is carried on. Such space can be rented to noncommercial vehicles, trailers or equipment if sufficient off-street parking in full compliance with this chapter is provided elsewhere on the property;
      (2)   Private garages, parking spaces and car ports. Private garages are intended for use to store the private passenger vehicles of the family or families whom reside upon the premises, and in which no business service or industry is carried on such space can be rented to noncommercial vehicles, trailers or equipment if sufficient off-street parking in full compliance with this chapter is provided elsewhere on the property;
      (3)   Recreational vehicles and equipment;
      (4)   Home occupations as regulated by § 153.070;
      (5)   Noncommercial greenhouses and conservatories;
      (6)   Private swimming pool, tennis courts and other recreational facilities which are operated for the enjoyment and convenience of the residents of the principal use and their guests;
      (7)   Tool sheds, structures and similar buildings for storage of domestic supplies and noncommercial recreational equipment; and
      (8)   Boarding or renting of rooms to not more than two persons.
   (D)   Conditional uses. The following are conditional uses in an R-3 District:
      (1)   Residential uses.
         (a)   Multiple-family dwellings or attached single-family dwelling structures with more than eight units, provided that:
            1.   There is adequate off-street parking provided in compliance with § 153.060;
            2.   Adequate off-street loading and service entrances are provided and regulated, where applicable, by § 153.060; and
            3.   Parking areas shall be adequately screened/landscaped from surrounding and abutting residential districts in compliance with § 153.065.
         (b)   Residential Planned Unit Development, as regulated by § 153.062.
      (2)   Non-residential uses.
         (a)   Governmental and public regulated utility buildings necessary for the health, safety and general welfare of the city, provided that:
            1.   Compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood is maintained and required setbacks are met;
            2.   Equipment is completely enclosed in a permanent structure; and
            3.   Adequate screening from neighboring uses and landscaping is provided in compliance with § 153.065.
         (b)   Commercial recreational buildings which includes golf courses and neighborhood or community centers; public or private educational institutes (limited to elementary, junior high and senior high schools); and public assembly facilities (churches, temples, synagogues), provided that:
            1.   Side yard setbacks shall be double that required for the district, but not greater than 30 feet;
            2.   Adequate screening from abutting residential uses and landscaping is provided in compliance with § 153.065;
            3.   Adequate off-street parking and access is provided pursuant to § 153.060 and parking areas are adequately screened/landscaped from surrounding and abutting residential uses in compliance with § 153.065; and
            4.   Adequate off-street loading and service entrances are provided and regulated, where applicable, by § 153.060.
         (c)   Cemeteries, provided that:
            1.   The site has direct vehicular access to a minor arterial or arterial street; and
            2.   The site is screened in accordance with § 153.065.
         (d)   Neighborhood commercial structure. These buildings may include, but are not limited to the following: small retail and personal service stores provided they are designed to be functionally harmonious with the existing residential neighborhood. Permitted structures shall serve the primary needs of the immediate neighborhood and should not generate a large portion of destination trips external to the immediate neighborhood, provided that:
            1.   The space is located within an already existing structure; and
            2.   The proposed uses shall not include more than one business per structure.
         (e)   Businesses and professional service(s) office space but non-inclusive of facilities or operations that provide overnight accommodations for patients or funeral homes, mortuaries or similar uses, and provided that:
            1.   Such uses are arranged, designed and constructed to be a functional, harmonious and compatible component of the surrounding neighborhood;
            2.   Equipment is completely enclosed in a permanent structure;
            3.   Adequate screening and landscaping from adjoining residential uses is provided in accordance with § 153.065;
            4.   All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source is not visible from the public right-of-way or from abutting residential property and shall be in compliance with § 153.068;
            5.   Adequate off-street parking and off-street loading areas, if necessary, shall be provided in compliance with § 153.060;
            6.   The site and related parking and service entrances are served by an arterial or collector street of sufficient capacity to accommodate the traffic which will be generated; and
            7.   Vehicular entrances to parking or service areas shall create a minimum of conflict with through traffic movement.
   (E)   Minimum dimensional requirements and standards. The following minimum requirements shall be observed in a R-3 District subject to the additional requirements, exceptions and modifications set forth in this chapter.
      (1)   Lot dimensional standards.
Unit type
Lot area
Lot width
Lot depth
4,800 sq. ft.
50 ft.
6,000 sq. ft.
50 ft.
2,500 sq. ft.
18 ft.
Not less than 6,000 sq. ft. for each multi-family building having at least four units; and not less than 750 sq. ft. additional area for each additional dwelling unit.
50 ft.
All other uses per § 153.069
      (2)   Setbacks.  
         (a)   Front yard: not less than 25 feet.
         (b)   Side yard:
            1.   Single-family, two-family and townhouses:
               a.   Interior lots: five feet;
               b.   Corner lots: 12 feet on the side yards abutting a public way, except when the apron to a garage is facing the side yard, in which case the apron shall be a minimum of 18 feet; and
               c.   Townhouse: no setback required on internal common walls or party walls.
            2.   Multiple-family: 12% of the lot with a minimum of six feet;
            3.   Garages: five feet unless garage entrances face onto street or alley, in which case, the minimum setback will be 18 feet to accommodate a vehicle from encroaching into public right-of-way;
            4.   Other principal structures:
               a.   For lots 50 feet wide or less, each side yard must not be less than six feet in width; for lots more than 50 feet wide but less than 100 feet wide, each side yard must be not less than 12% of the width of the lot; and for lots 100 feet wide or more, each side yard must be not less than 12 feet wide; and
               b.   Corner lots: 12 feet.
         (c)   Rear yards:
            1.   Principal buildings: 25 feet; and
            2.   Accessory buildings: five feet, except on corner lots, which shall be not less than 12 feet on the side abutting the street and 20 feet if the garage entrance faces onto a street in order to prevent a vehicle from encroaching into public right-of-way.
   (F)   Maximum building height. For additional information on calculating building heights see the definition BUILDING HEIGHT in § 153.010.
      (1)   Dwelling units or principal buildings: 35 feet; and
      (2)   Accessory buildings: as governed by § 153.069.
   (G)   Maximum lot coverage. The following maximum lot coverage standards will apply in the R-3 District:
      (1)   Single-family and two-family: No structure or combination of structures shall occupy more than 33% of the lot area; and
      (2)   Multiple-family: No structure or combination of structures shall occupy more than 40% of the lot area.
(Ord. passed - -)